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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fruity Summer

Summer has been great so far. It's been nice and hot, sunny, and there has been a lot of great seasonal foods to enjoy. Over the past month or so, I've been getting into creating fresh fruit medleys, and have been enjoying fruit as snacks and to complement lunch and dinner meals. What I've been doing is substituting much of the complex carbohydrates that I was eating (granola bar, bread, grain pilaf, etc) with fresh fruit. A lot of produce is in season, and there has been so much to choose from. It doesn't take much, and I encourage you to pick up some fruits and berries and combine them into a batch of fruit medley. Eat at home or pack and take to work. Replace your usual snacks with fruit, and you will surely feel better and will be getting great fiber, nutrients, and the sugar you will take in is straight from nature, and is a great way to enjoy the summer. When you are out in the heat, you won't feel that nasty weighed down feeling from fried and unhealthy snacks. There are endless possibilities, so be creative and enjoy! Here's an example of a recent medley that we made:

Seedless watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew melon, raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple, red grapes, bing cherries (which I pitted)

Yum! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!

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