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Monday, July 19, 2010

Dark And Early

Well, today is day one of my official "floor shifts" at the gym. The weekly schedule for me will be much different as I will be working some mornings, some mid-day, and some evening shifts to get a feel for the gym's members and business. Monday and Tuesday I am scheduled starting at 6 so today I got up a little after 3. I like to give myself a little time to get ready, have my Shakeology, and write a blog among other activities. I just feel more comfortable not rushing. I realize it's so early that the sun hasn't even come out yet. But like any successful person, I must do what I have to do now to do all the things I want to do later, and I must strive to maintain a positive mental attitude. It wasn't hard to get up. I'm very excited for things to come, and I feel that every day will present a new challenge and it is my duty to face and overcome any obstacles to reach my goal. After all, that's what I'm going to get paid to do--help people overcome their obstacles to reach their goals. What a great opportunity to empower others!

Anyway, what challenges do you face on a daily basis? Monthly? Annually? Think about today and what small adjustments you might make to improve. Also, when faced with adversity, maintain a positive mental attitude and think about what you can do to battle through and reach your desired goal. The only limits that exist are the ones created in our own minds. Reach for the stars people...whether morning or night stars! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!

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