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Monday, April 12, 2010

What Do You See?

This morning as I walked to the train on my way to work, I listened to a Zig Ziglar podcast about how you see yourself. Zig explained how for a number of years he was overweight and only saw himself as an overweight individual. He tried different diets and fitness routines, but even if he lost weight, he soon found himself back to the overweight individual, or "fatboy" as he put it. I believe most of us can identify with this vicious cycle, and not only with weight, but with success, addiction, and a slew of other issues that seem to fit us. You see, it is how we see ourselves that must change before we can truly transform into the person we know we are deep inside. For me, once I saw myself as a healthy, athletic individual and truly began to believe that I could be this through P90X and following the program, I realized I could, in fact, become this healthy, athletic individual, and now I am, and as my understanding of what this means continues to evolve, so do I.

So I challenge you when you are getting ready in front of the mirror: What do you see? Do you see a mediocre individual who suffers from the same issues day in and day out? Or do you see someone accomplished, responsible, educated, wise, and successful? Please begin to see that you are the latter, and you truly will become this. Also, I strongly recommend that you subscribe to the Ziglar podcast and be sure to download all of the past recordings and listen in. This is free, and if you want to invest in some great audio, buy some of his stuff. He has been an inspirational voice for me, and I know I am better for learning from him and other greats as well. Anyways, see something better in yourself today. Tomorrow. And in the future. Thanks for reading everyone!

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