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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Living PR

Today was a lovely day in Chicago. So, being that it is my flex/recovery week and I did some yoga and stretching yesterday, I decided to go for a run and started by jogging briskly over to a public track about a mile from my home. I wanted to get some pure running in without having to keep my head on a swivel each time I passed an alley, intersection, etc, so this was perfect. Plus, I never really ran on a track like this so it was pretty cool. When I arrived, some soccer league teams were practicing in the center and random people were doing different things around the field and track. I stretched out and set up my Nike+ for a 5k run on my ipod and went at it. I pushed a bit harder today and was able to finish with a new PR, or Personal Record for my Nike+ system!

Though I am happy about my continued progress with running, I want to share my thoughts about the "PR", not only in running and other sports, but other areas of life as well. My philosophy is about doing my best and trying to improve daily at everything I do. Where I work, my main job is Expo where I get food ready to go out to hungry customers and I am trying to get better and better so that I can handle huge rushes efficiently and effectively and set new "PRs" essentially every day. This is just another minor example. What can you do in your every day routine to set new "PRs"? Maybe you can cook up the finest dinner for your family tonight! Maybe even better tomorrow! At work you can strive to do better today...and tomorrow! You can love your spouse/children/family/friends and show kindness and grace more than ever today...then tomorrow...then the next day! These are just some thoughts to help get your juices flowing. Realize you can be better. As Zig Ziglar says, "In order to do, you must first be." Be your best, and you will then be able to do your best. Be a living PR. Thanks for reading everyone!

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