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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bake Up Some Goodness

Well, I had my official orientation this morning at Corner Bakery. I have already gotten a chance to work in my new position for a week, and I thought that I was in pretty good shape as far as knowing the basics and getting situated. However, I had a bit more paperwork to finish, and I figured I'd get to enjoy some coffee and meet my new co-workers who also had orientation as well, so I didn't mind going in. As it turns out, I thought it was very worthwhile because I got to learn a bit more about the company and its beginnings, and I appreciate working here even more.

I thought Corner Bakery was just another concept that sprang up from some idea someone had, like many others. In actuality, it has evolved quite a bit to the credit of its customers mainly. Corner Bakery started out as just that: a bakery who specifically made bread solely for Maggiano's Little Italy, a popular Italian dining spot here in Chicago. Apparently, people began to inquire about the bread and wondered if they could start buying it, and it was decided that Corner Bakery would start selling bread and some pastries to the public. Customers then began asking about how they could enjoy a cup of coffee and have a sandwich made on the bakery's bread, and more items were added. Fast forward to today and there are several Corner Bakery Cafes around the City that proudly serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as espresso drinks while still baking breads and other pastries and desserts and including catering for business lunches and other events. Wow. This is a great example about how serving your people and taking care of their needs can sprout and develop into something you never dreamed of.

Honestly, I am trying to help people in my Beachbody business in the same manner. Identifying needs and providing solutions to those needs. Eventually, maybe my business will grow into something great, too! I listened to some good Zig Ziglar today and yesterday, and Zig explained something that seems simple enough but is true.
"Have you ever purchased a bed? A new outfit? An automobile? An insurance policy? A new copier for the office? A training program? A set of audio tapes? A book? Let me submit to you that not any of you [listening to this recording] has ever bought any of these items. What you did buy is a good night's sleep. The way you look and feel in a particular outfit. Transportation. Protection for your family with savings and investment advantages. Increased communication and organization for the office. Added productivity. More information. A fundamental sales program that will help you even more in your sales career. None of us buy products. We all buy products of the products...We don't buy what the product is; we buy what the product does..."
Zig goes on to explain even more, but you get the idea. In the same way, Corner Bakery does not sell bread or sandwiches but rather comfort and service and a full stomach upon leaving! I do not sell and market fitness products. However, I do market the results and promote health, which is truly what people need and want. Outside of the business realm, all of us "sell" our friendship in return for good friendship. We don't "buy" our friends, though, do we? No. What we do buy into is how those people make us feel and we identify our own desire to help them feel a certain way, too. Think about your career, your relationships, and what things you are buying and selling every day. Maybe you can start to think a bit differently, and bake up some goodness! Have a great night everyone! Wish me luck on my first official run (the Ravenswood 5k) tomorrow morning! Thanks for reading!

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