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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Go Mom!

Today I was talking with my mom, and she told me about her recent trip to buy newer, smaller clothing, and that she feels so great as she approaches her 67th birthday. I asked her to write her story out, and for tonight's blog, I am going to post it below. Go Mom go!

"I got involved with Beach body around September/October of 2009. I was really disgusted with my weight and the way I felt about myself. I was inspired by Team  beachbody program and with encouragement and reading testimonies of my coach and other testimonies, I decided to delve into this completely.  I started the program with the first DVD of "Tony and the folks" because I thought that would be appropriate for me as I am a senior citizen.  I did it for a couple weeks but it did not give me any challenge, so I decided to start the "Slim in six" series. I did the six weeks of "start it up" and then moved up to "Ramp it up". Kept working on it for a while, it was working but I needed to put more emphasis on my middle abs, since it seem like my baby fat (after having children) never left me, so I had to do something. I received Power-90 for Christmas. I started that in January and I fell in love with the workout program. Started working on the Power-90. Tried to work out every day, but sometimes missed a couple of days.

When I first started beach body, I weighed 164 lbs, had a waist of 44". Clothes did not fit well. I had to buy pants that had elastic, because fitted pants did not fit well. My size was Misses16-18 pants, Blouse 16 or XL.  I ate basically a rounded meal, but every now and then I had fast food for lunch (Junior whopper, fries and coffee/diet coke) Also ate ice cream sometimes and dessert/cake etc. After I started working out, I gave up McDonald's and other fast foods/donuts etc. Ate healthy food, more veggies, chicken, ground turkey i/o ground beef. I always ate "Daal" legumes (my heritage). I recently introduced Shakeology. My daily meal plan is Coffee and multi-grain slice of toast, 1 egg or 1/2 cup oatmeal with low fat milk, Salad and left over dinner(rice, veggies, chicken curry or daal for lunch, snack, string cheese, carrots, wheat thins, tea etc. and Shakeology with banana for dinner.
I finally decided to go shopping for new clothes. I bought 3 slacks, a pair of boot leg jeans, and dress slacks. None of them with stretch elastic. And they all fit perfectly fit. The size was 12. can you believe? I was so excited, I wanted to scream with excitement but I was in "Kohls". The tops I bought were all "L".  I am down to 152 lbs, 39" waist.
I will be 67 on April 17, 2,010. I feel better than I have felt in a long time. I am so empowered by beach body that I wanted to tell the whole world about it, and actually when people tell me about how "awesome" I look, I tell them about beach body.
Team beach body has changed my outlook on life. I feel I have evolved and have been transformed into a new body, mind and spirit. I feel like I am on top of the world and no one can bring me down. I am starting a new phase in my life on this birthday. This is beginning of a new chapter in my life with healthy family, body mind and spirit. I have always had strong faith, and I know that my life belongs to God and my body is a temple and God dwells in it, so I want to take care of it.

I thank God for directing me to my new path of holistic healing." -Rose Nickles
Thanks to my mom for sharing her story. Hopefully it will inspire some of you to begin writing your stories. Please contact my mom by clicking on the title to this blog and linking to her official Beachbody Coach page! Thanks for reading everyone!

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