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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Philosophy 101

Tomorrow is my last day at my current job. I want to talk a bit about why I'm making a choice to change. As I keep working to evolve my coaching business with Beachbody and as I begin the 2-month crunch toward my NASM Personal Trainer certification, I'm actually making a lateral move into a similar job in the same industry I'm in now. The question will arise, "Well, if you're doing the same thing, why not stay where you are already comfortable?" The true answer is really this: It's not me; it's them. I was actually excited for the outlook of the opportunity to serve more people and push hard to help this company succeed this summer. But, as it would appear from changing standards on portion sizes, erroneous charges on previously "free" items, and lack of labor support, the actions of the company tell me that there is no longer a desire to show or bring the customer value, but rather to take the existing customers and squeeze every last penny out, which may boost profits initially but to me would seem to drive them to find a better value at a different establishment elsewhere in the upcoming future. This, to me, is something I can't hang my hat on, and call me old-fashioned, but I would like to be able to tell my friends and family to come visit me at my job and that we'll take care of them. However, I really don't believe that to be true anymore. So, I will choose to work at a new place to see if their philosophy is driven by the people they serve or themselves, and I hope it is the former because I would like to have fun and believe in what I am doing so that I am motivated to do the same with my business. I choose not to be complacent in a miserable, unrewarding work environment anymore.

As you have noticed, I haven't mentioned the name of the place where I work now. This is unimportant, and actually I do not wish to slander the people or company I work for. No, this blog is not meant to slam anyone, but rather to offer you insight into my character and maybe to bring to light a situation you might be in so that you might not be afraid to try something new in your job, your health, other relationships, etc. I actually wish the best for everyone I have worked for and with, and I appreciate the opportunity to work for my previous employer and I do sincerely wish them all the best in the future. We are all learning and evolving, and to wish bad on anyone would be to wish bad on my brothers and sisters, and that I simply cannot do. There's no right or wrong here, people, just emotion and foresight. So I hope you might learn something from the experience that I have shared; I know I have. Thanks for reading, everyone, and have a great night!

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