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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Putting It Together

Today is my Mother-in-law's birthday, and we've planned some good stuff for her. Victor, her son, bought her a desk and laptop, and Jasmine and I got her a wall mount for her TV. We got her out of the house today, and we've been hard at work assembling the components. My main duty was to mount the TV. Pretty simple, really, but with any universal kit (for any product), there are usually extra pieces and several variations of how to accomplish the task, so it takes some thinking and re-thinking to find a solution that works best. One of the simplest and most crucial parts was a tiny screw that works on the wall mount piece to prevent the mount from sliding off the wall. When screwing it in, the thread of the screw wasn't cooperating and it became a frustrating situation. Trying different things, I finally figured out that if I fed the screw in backwards and put the wrench in and basically unscrewed it back instead of all the way through directly, it worked!

Now, that description may seem a bit confusing, but there are certainly lessons here that we can take. First, think of a fitness or diet plan that has been designed to be universal. Maybe there are things that seem additional or extra to you. Maybe there are components that don't even apply. Certainly, however, we can take time to think and re-think our own situations and find ways to make them work. This is crucial. It can be so easy to say, "This isn't going to work for me" or "I can't do it," when if we just take the moment to figure a way to put it together and make it work. You see, most of the time it is not the plan, program, or project that is the issue. Our mindset is the most important element and is the key to our success. Also, if one particular way isn't working, try something different. In the same way that I figured a different way to make the mount work with the screw, you, too can come up with an alternate solution to most other issues. Whether it's approaching a client, making a sale, making the foods you love healthy, adjusting your schedule, etc, you can do it. Also, try to learn from these every day tasks and occurrences as they often serve as parables for other areas of our lives. Please share a story and tie in a lesson by commenting below! Otherwise, have a great weekend!

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