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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Attitude Not Aptitude

Let's face it. It's a tough economy right now. Many of us, including myself, are finding it difficult to keep up. There have no doubt been situations in addition to the National and Global economic situations that have caused us to feel that we should be in panic mode. It's so easy to have a pity party and say, "Why does all this stuff keep happening to me?" or "If I just had _______..." (insert one of multiple words or phrases there). It is also easy to look at someone successful and think about their situation. "What a lucky person!" As if successful people just happen to be successful. Folks, it is this thinking that will lead you nowhere. We all have goals and dreams, and whether you are a genius or just an average Joe, I'm telling you that it is YOU who has the power to make necessary changes and improvements. Zig Ziglar says, "It your attitude and not your aptitude" that determines your success. The negative thinking and pity party is not going to get you anywhere. Has it worked to this point? Throw that attitude away if you have it, and know that today you can begin making decisions that will greatly improve your circumstances. It's not the situation you're in or what happens to you that's important. It is how you respond to those situations and handle yourself, including your attitude, that really will make the difference.

Yesterday I blogged about how I have a possible job opportunity at one gym. Well, I'll tell you that I just got confirmation yesterday about an interview tomorrow at my top choice, which I won't mention. I don't want to jynx myself! And on top of that, my boss at the restaurant where I work discussed with me possible promotion opportunities with my present company. That's two interviews and an open invitation for a promotion inside of a week! In this bad economy! Now, I didn't share this to say, "look at me!" I wanted to share this to point out that I'm not a genius. I'm not an individual that can be considered "lucky" based on my social or economic status. But I do believe my integrity and my attitude towards life and taking care of my family plays a huge role. I also know that I've made some decisions based on the possibility that they might lead to these outcomes. So think about the situation you're in now, and think about your goals. What can you do today that will move you a bit closer? Then tomorrow make the decisions that will help you once again. Soon, you will be closer than you never could have imagined. "Good luck" everyone, and stay positive. Remember, "if there's hope for the future, there's power in the present." (John Maxwell) Thanks for reading everyone!

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