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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cleanse Day 1

Good morning. If you red yesterday's blog, you will know that today marks the first day of my 3-day Shakeology cleanse. For more details about the cleanse, check out the blog from yesterday. I want to use these next 3 days to blog about my thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

So good morning once again. I woke today knowing that today would be the most difficult day of this cleanse. I have been enjoying the summer so far, and I wouldn't say that I've been pigging out, but I have been taking in some extra healthy calories. I look okay, but I have felt a bit more bloated and not as defined as I feel I should be. Also, there has been a plateau of body fat percentage that I can't seem to break. I'm about 8 or 9 percent, which is lean, but I want to push back down to 5 or 6, which is what I had accomplished last year. This might just be that plateau breaker, cleaning my body out and letting me rock my workouts a little harder come the weekend. I think I'm more worried about my caffeine detox that will most likely occur. I usually drink 3-4 cups of tea in the morning and 1 cup of coffee when I get to work, and iced or green tea in the evenings. I am now limited to two cups of green tea per day, which should be fine because I'm not a coffe-holic. Hey--at least I get an abundance of shakeology, right? So you know some of my foreseen obstacles and also my reasons for doing this. Oh - the greatest reason is the reason I am able to do these long runs, crazy workouts, and practice great nutrition is YOU. YOU who read this blog and YOU who I have influenced by doing what I am doing. I am leading by example. If I don't do it, how can I expect my clients, friends, family, and other followers and team members do it? Now ask yourself that question. Who looks to you for leadership?

If you are interested in this cleanse and/or joining my team, please check out, join my team as a free or club member, and contact me, and we'll get started! Thanks for reading!

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