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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bonus Blog: Tying Your Shoes

If you know me or have been reading my blogs regularly, you know that I listen to a lot of Zig Ziglar. Many of you reading or not reading are having issues sticking to a program, adjusting your eating habits, etc. I wanted to share this newsletter with you for some inspiration. Thanks for reading!

By Zig Ziglar

Roger Crawford was sixteen years old before he could tie his own shoes and even then it was Velcro that made it possible.  But he excelled in other areas like sports, becoming a star tennis player.  While in high school he was a championship player, winning over 95% of his matches.  He continued at nearly the same pace in college and has succeeded as a pro.
You can look at Roger and see that he has a “handicap.”  As Roger explains it, however, most people’s handicaps cannot be seen, but they’re just as real and in many cases more pronounced than his.  Roger was born with one leg missing from the knee down.  He doesn’t have normal hands complete with four fingers and a thumb.  As a matter of fact, he has only two extensions from where fingers normally are and yet he uses those two extensions to accomplish some remarkable successes.  Roger is one of those people who don’t complain about what he does not have, but rather makes full use of what he does have.  This is the attitude which enabled him to become the first severely handicapped athlete to compete in a NCAA Division college sport.
Roger doesn’t pretend it’s been easy, but then life is seldom easy for most of us.  Today Roger Crawford is one of the most effective public speakers in our country and a very successful published author and family man.  He speaks to companies almost literally all over the world and they range from the Fortune 500 to the trade and educational associations.  My suggestion to all of us is to adopt more of the Roger Crawford attitude.  I believe that if we do, I really will SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

Zig Ziglar is known as America’s motivator.  He is the author of 29 books and numerous audio and video recordings.  He brings his message of hope to thousands on the stages at the Get Motivated Seminars.  See him in action!


The most practical, beautiful, workable philosophy in the world won’t work – if you won’t.        ~Zig Ziglar

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