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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Piggy Went To Market

As many of you know, I've really stopped eating meats except fish on a day or two a week. I don't believe eating animal flesh is inherently wrong, however, due to the education that I have been receiving through books, documentaries, etc (namely literature written by Michael Pollan and "Food Inc.") I really think there is something wrong with the treatment of the animals we are consuming via the industrial channels. I don't thing eating a burger made from beef from a slaughtered cow that has been eating corn, supplements, medicine, and antibiotics and living in an enclosed area walking around in its own feces is, well, healthy. Sorry to have to paint that picture, but it is what it is. And everyone is to blame. That said, I have been consuming Greek Yogurt, cheeses, and dairy products which still keep me in a realm of animal products, but I'm fine with that for now. And this blog isn't really about not eating meat; on the contrary, actually, my brother-in-law's birthday is this Sunday, and the kid loves ribs. This is a different "omnivore's dilemma". But I knew that since it's getting warmer, the farmers markets are back and that means my good cousin Steve Nickles would be in town to distribute meats and eggs from a local farmer that actually cares for his livestock, does not use hormones, antibiotics, etc, and this is some meat I can endorse and hunger for!

So I rode my bike down there today, and what a lovely ride it was! It was the first time I brought my bike outside this year since I've been running on the weekends mostly, and it felt good. I brought an empty backpack and sure enough, I was able to fill it up! This was the first day of the farmers market, and my cousin Steve was there with my second cousin, JP, and they had the good stuff! He actually ran out of baby back ribs, but I was able to pick up a few packs of spare ribs, a pork shoulder roast, and some brats, all from "ferrell-to-finish" pork, which as I understand, means there is little to no human contact with the animals until they are slaughtered, which keeps the animals safe from our germs and ensures the finest quality of life for the pig, and the finest quality of pork for our plates! My freezer is now ready, and I will start thawing on Thursday to get ready for this weekend. Learn more about Nickles Distribution, Inc, the farmers market, being a locavore, and more by visiting There are also other great vendors at the markets, and I suggest you make an effort to support your local farmers! Thanks for reading everyone!

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