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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Be A Voyeur

Ok I got your attention! Lol! I do want to talk about my learning experience today, but it isn't anything weird or deviant about it. This morning, I decided to hit the gym early and get in some mock triathlon type training. I did this by getting some swimming in followed by 5 miles on a spin bike followed by a 5k run on the treadmill, back to back to back. The swimming is admittedly my weak point, and I jumped in to the lane and warmed up a bit. Then as I began some freestlyle, I noticed myself getting tired out and short of breath quicker than I should. I stopped several times to think this over, but it wasn't until I sat back and watched some of the other, more experienced swimmers in other lanes that I realized more of my problem. It wasn't really that my form was too bad. I worked to fix this a few months ago. Although I do need a lot more work there, I struggled today because I was just stroking too fast and I got nervous with my breathing and it was all downhill from there. I watched as other swimmers had a steady, casual pace and seemed to glide through the water easier without struggling. I attempted to slow myself down a bit, and I actually did improve. Again, I have a long way to go, but it will take more drilling and, simply, more swimming practice to refine my stroke. I will get better by making what is uncomfortable now, well, comfortable.

Do you have areas in your fitness and life that could use some refining? Realize that it is only when you start to identify what you are doing wrong or not doing that you will have the opportunity to change. Study someone else's strong points and apply them for yourself, and surely you will get better. So get your popcorn ready...time to watch and learn! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Thanks for reading!

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