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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Puppy Love

No I'm not talking about teenage romance here! I do want to talk about learning from our four-legged friends, though. What do you do for a living? Whatever it is, odds are you work with people, even if you aren't "selling" anything. How do we get along with people? Build relationships? Make life more worthwhile and meaningful? It's mostly about being cared for and caring about others the same way, wouldn't you agree? Let's face it--we're generally interested in ourselves, right? So you can be sure the people you interact with are too. So when approaching someone, especially someone new to you, take an interest in them. Find out about them, ask questions, see what their interests are and why they are there. This may be on a sales call, talking to a new co-worker, or simply getting to know the person who is making your cup of coffee every morning. You will find that people will be more interested in you because you took that extra interest in them.

So what about the doggies? Think about it--if you have a dog (or are familiar with dogs), when you come around the corner or enter your home, the dog is sooo excited to see you and show you love. The dog doesn't want to sell you something or want anything other than your love in return. And unless you are an Alaskan sled driver or breeder, etc, your dog probably doesn't work for a living. We are so happy to care for our dogs because they show us that unconditional love and loyalty that we need. So let's learn from this. I'm not saying jump on your next prospect and lick his/her face. That might get you into trouble! But show someone some genuine interest, and start building some meaningful relationships. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!

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