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Monday, May 17, 2010

Walk Through The Door

Yesterday I had a conversation with my brother-in-law, Victor, regarding some of my frustrations. Some people come to me and will take a huge first step by saying, "I need help...what do I do?" They either want to trim down, lose weight, or just live healthier. I explain that I have a process of going about finding a solution that works for them, but first that I would have them sign up for a free or club member profile with Team Beachbody with me as their coach. They do that. Then I send them some questions that help me determine some options for them based on their unique goals, reasons for wanting to reach those goals, obstacles, and even a self-rating survey so I can see how they feel about themselves. They do this.

To this point I am excited to help them, and they seem excited to get started on the path to good health. Then I make some recommendations for nutritional guidance and solutions as well as a few relevant home fitness programs that seem to fit their objectives. Then they somehow discontinue all contact with me and it is as if they had never even wanted to talk to me in the first place. So here's the frustration part, but a part I am just learning to deal with. I could ask why, but I choose to stick with the philosophy of "Don't sign up for this 'why is this' class!" as Jim Rone put it so well. As Victor and I were talking, he used some Matrix philosophy where Morpheus says,
"I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it."
This is exactly the sentiment that I feel. I know that when a person makes a clear decision and chooses to "walk through the door", there is a whole new learning process that will occur. By following a proven program to success, you/they too will undoubtedly become successful. But I cannot walk through for you/them. You/they must walk through the door. If you haven't taken a step towards your goal but you know what you need to do, isn't it time you walked through the door to begin to realize that success? Think about it, and if your goal pertains to health/fitness, give me a call and I'll help you find the right door to walk through. Thanks for reading everyone! Have a great week!

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