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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Never Say Never

"I've never had the discipline to get up in the morning..." That was one of the phrases told to me by a friend when I asked him if he had been keeping up with his workouts. "During Thanksgiving break I had time..." There's another one. Why is it we always seem to come up with reasons to NOT do the things that are most important, but we somehow find time to keep doing the things that aren't helping us? We can't expect to change if we keep doing the same things. Eating McDonald's hamburgers won't be healthy if they keep making them the same way. In the same manner, if we can't break our usual routines then we, too, cannot move forward. Yes, it is hard, you are right. But stop focusing on all the reasons why you can't make some changes and start focusing on why you want and need to make those improvements.

Ask yourself, "what is my why?" (and yes, you've heard this in at least 2 prior blogs if you've been reading, but it is the most important element.) "Because I want to look like a man and look good without a shirt..." or "so I can look how I did before I was pregnant. I don't like being fat..." Those are some real examples from two of my friends, and yours may be the same or different, but focus on that. I asked him, "Do you think I am just naturally stronger than you? Do you think it was easy for me to accomplish what I have?" Not at all. Never believe that someone has a stronger mind than you or a natural metabolism, etc. Everyone has their own obstacles to deal with. It's whether or not we decide to go around those obstacles or let our minds divert us away from the course.

One of my friends that I am most proud of currently is Chris Williams (yes I'm puttin' your name out there, dog!) I met this kid a few months ago, and he has really been listening to my advice and learning from me and on his own through tackling his own obstacles and reaching for his own goals. He understands, especially when following a set program, that the most important thing is showing up, and he keeps showing up. He is in his second month of P90X, and he just showed me he was on the last notch in his belt. His pants were ruffled up and he looked silly, but I almost shed a tear because this happened to me, and I know how awesome it feels (though how goofy it looks!) I gave him a hug because we have to celebrate! These are RESULTS people. You have to work hard and stay focused, but when you do, you will find that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. My whole mantra. So thank you to those of you who are succeeding and not taking your mind off of your goals. You will reach and exceed them. And to those of you who have diverted from the course, it's NEVER too late to get back in and make great things happen for yourself, your health, and your family. Please contact me, comment, etc. Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays!

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