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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So the past couple days I've been going back and forth on Facebook with a friend regarding his commitment to getting healthy and fit. He told me in the last post that he has no choice but to commit and exercise discipline because he is running in the Fleet Feet Sports Soldier Field 10-mile run on Saturday, May 29th. I have been working with Jason (yes I'll put your name out there dog!) to get him ready for P90X, the most complete athletic training program available. I believe he said he's pushin 375 right now, and although he's a tall dude, he recognizes his need to get fit and healthy for many reasons. When he first told me about his plan to do this race, I immediately put it on my outlook calendar and told him that I would do this with him if that's what it takes, and today, he sent me the link (which you can go to by clicking on the title of this blog) for the actual race. It's a 10-mile race open to the first 10,000 registrants that starts at Soldier Field and ends at Soldier Field at the 50-yard line! How awesome is that?? Without hesitation, I registered myself for this race and updated my comment to tell him about it.

I did this for a couple reasons...first, I love a challenge and getting extreme, but more importantly, I did this to show my level of commitment to Jason and to show him that I am as committed to his success as my own and that this is a team effort, and good team members have to win together. I'm so excited right now, but I have to cut this short. What will it take for you to commit? Make a commitment to your health and to improve your life today. Find out how by calling me at 630.220.4084, or by visiting my official coach site at You owe it to yourself and to your family to find out what you're made of. Just remember, your mindset is the key and that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Thanks for reading, everyone, and have a great day!

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