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Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday Thru Friday

First off, I had one of the best nights of sleep I've had in a long time, and I slept in a bit with my wife this morning, I will admit. Yesterday, after a night of little-to-no sleep trying to come up with a plan for a fitness and nutrition club that would help my current church, its members, members of the community...pretty much a win-win-win-win...situation, I got up around 6:15, showered and got ready. My mother-in-law and wife had it planned out to go to Carson's for some kind of early-bird sale from 8-11 in the morning, and we got there right around 8. I went up to the food court to take advantage of the wi-fi while they shopped for some Christmas stuff and also for a new coat for my wife at a huge discount. On the way out, actually, they suggested I check out a coat since I'm too small for my "fat-guy" outerwear from last year, and I found an awesome $375 Marc New York coat which was warm and classy enough to wear with my Sunday best, which we picked up for...$79!! I'm not lyin', and retail must be hurtin', but I'm glad we looked into it. We also stopped at Home Depot to pick up a space heater and humidifier, went home and had delicious grilled chicken artisan sandwiches that I made and we finished the tabbouleh from the night before as a side dish (see my recipe blog on the left). We put up the tree together, watched the Bears struggle against the Packers...uugggh, made some spiked, low-fat eggnog, and I actually got all of the office goals accomplished and bills paid that I had written down for the day and made some cracked wheat jumbalaya for dinner. It was definitely a jam-packed day and I slept like a baby. What a great weekend!

After breakfast today, I went to pick up my wife's medicine from the pharmacy and during the drive contemplated this blog and what I was going to write about. 780 AM was on and the weather man was talking about the foggy conditions being pretty much the same throughout the day, and since it has warmed to melting temps, it's wet, dark, and gloomy outside. Yuck! Monday, Monday, huh? Then he said something that really lit me up:

"You've got to get through the Mondays to get to the Fridays"

So true! I was then reminded of how I continually preach to people who embark on a health revolution in their own lives how I tell them to focus on today, and if you can get through today, you can get through tomorrow. When people start looking back they (or you) can say, "If I made it through yesterday, I can make it through today", and "...last week, I can make it through this week..." and so on. We have to get through day one before we can get to day 90, guys. Just remember this, because so many of you have gotten yourselves geared up for a life change or new challenge, but sell yourselves short because you are too caught up in how far you have to go. Just get through the first day, first workout, first step, etc, and then focus on the next step. Remember, baby steps are still steps forward, and if it takes many baby steps, but no steps backward, you will make it, and I'll be here to congratulate you! Get through this Monday, and most likely you can get through tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, and 'whallah!' Friday! Thanks for reading, everyone, and have a great day!

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