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Friday, December 4, 2009


So I have been hearing a buzz about Copoeira, a Brazilian martial art that I heard was similar to a type of dance, but that's really all I knew, but I didn't think about it much before last night, to tell the truth. As you may or may not know, I am an Independent Coach for Beachbody, a revolutionary company that markets advance home fitness systems, nutritional supplements, and fitness accessories and other products. A newer program came out not too long ago, called "RevAbs", which is supposedly a 90-day fitness program that focuses on your abs and getting you that slim waistline and six-pack that you are looking for. The program was developed by Brett Hoebel, a hot-shot trainer from California with training roots in New York. Originally, I saw a preview and actually got one disk as a free preview a couple months ago with my monthly "One on One with Tony Horton" dvd. I watched some of it, and it honestly seemed kind of cheesy to me. I put it back on my shelf next to my arsenal of P90X, Insanity, and One-on-One vids, and I haven't thought much of it since.

A few days ago, a high-school friend and baseball teammate called me. He was apparently intrigued by my business card and stated he wanted to regain his six-pack. When asked what I had done to revamp my physique, I told him what I went through last year and began raving about P90X and how it had changed my life. It's true-P90X (and you've heard this from me before) is the most complete athletic training program, period. I explained a bit about the science and how it is comprehensive and the type of training I do now by integrating P90X and Insanity workouts, etc. He was interested in seeing where he was physically, and we have an appointment to meet tomorrow so I can conduct a fitness assessment with him and consult him regarding a solution. So last night, I figured I would look into some alternate options, and remembered about RevAbs. I remembered about what I thought about it from my preview, but figured it might be a viable solution for my friend, so I looked into the workouts. Apparently, Brett Hoebel uses Capoeira-inspired moves integrated into strength and interval training and all of the moves target the abs. When I saw "Capoeira", I realized it was that Brazilian fighting style, and I immediately looked it up online. What I found was jaw-dropping. This is such a beautiful, acrobatic martial art, and watching some videos sparked my imagination, and I actually had trouble getting back to sleep because of the excitement. Check out some vids I saw by clicking on the title of this post to link to a site, and/or check out RevAbs by clicking the link below. I will definitely pick up this program to introduce me to this, and I plan to start practicing and learning this artform very soon. It is another challenge for me, and will no doubt help me with balance, flexibility, core strength, and looks soooo fun too! Thanks for reading, everyone...Happy Friday!!


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