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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stay On The Green

I just got the new Men's Health for this month, and I happened to read an interesting article about Ricky Barnes, apparently an exciting new PGA Tour golfer. A few years back he was at the top of his game and everything seemed to be going his way. He was paired with Tiger Woods and actually finished 7 strokes better than him in the Master's tournament. This is where the trouble began for him, because he admitted that "The Masters made me feel as if things would always be easy." He was complacent with his position and he allowed himself to practice and work less, and the article goes on to describe how he fell off for a few years until he started making some changes, re-examining his philosophy, and hiring a new coach who would help him open his eyes back up.

"He rmembered that success is earned, not owed." Barnes is now making a comeback, and he's doing so not because of the clubs he uses or the brand of golfballs either. It's that "stay hungry" mentality, that student's approach that is making it happen. I often tell people, "the moment you know everything is the moment you stop progressing." We need to keep open minds and soak up knowledge, challenge ourselves, and gain more and better skills to keep improving. If we do this, we will find ourselves landing in the green and avoiding the rough. Thanks for reading everyone and have a great day!

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