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Friday, January 29, 2010

Embrace Change

I'm so glad I took today off. After a hectic work schedule and getting pumped as the guest speaker for the call last night, I definitely needed to rest up today, and now I am getting ready for the Game Plan Road Tour event tomorrow! My parents and hopefully a few other guests I have invited will show up, and I'm sure we will meet some amazing people and learn some awesome things about coaching that will really kick off this year right. I have just started to add a few coaches to my team, and together, we can really blast off in this health revolution and hopefully make a few dollars at the same time!

This is more of me getting some of my racing thoughts out than a message today, so thanks for reading anyways, but I will leave you with this: earlier this week, a good friend and actually, a great childhood friend of my wife that has become one of my good friends, Curtis, saw me on facebook and we chatted for a while. Curtis has been doing P90X, and I know he's gettin ripped up for sure! He, like Jasmine (my wife), is a nurse, and hats off to what they go through on a daily basis because it really takes a lot mentally and emotionally. Anyway, we went back and forth for a few minutes about P90X and health, etc. and he finally said, "Boy you have really changed..." Now, to me inside my head, I am the same person, but the statement really made me realize how different I really am from even about mid-year of 2008 before the flood. I started listening to myself and the things I was saying, thinking, and doing over the last few days and, in retrospect, he's damn right. I'm completely different. In a good way, of course. Actually, I choose to think of it as being the best version of myself, not a different person, although that may be one and the same, depending on how you look at it. Either way, I embrace the change that has happened and I encourage you to realize the choices you are making can and will change you, the way you look at life and health, and the way you respond to the people and challenges in your life. Don't be afraid of these because you are not a different person, you are a better person. Thanks for reading everyone, and have a great weekend!

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