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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Berry Good

Today I attended a meeting with an outreach ministry team at my church, Berry United Methodist on Lawrence near Lincoln Square. I attend the church services when I can, but am not a member and do not even know many people. What I will say is that to me anyway, the people seem very welcoming, and when I do attend, I enjoy the service and can participate openly. Pastor Sherrie and the church itself are very liberal in thought, which is why I definitely like it. It just seems that we the congregation aren't caught up in all of the perceived conventional rules, taboos, or even who is and isn't attending weekly or who is on what committee, etc. I enjoy going and consider it my "spiritual workout".

Anyways, recently a church member had mentioned something about having a passion and sharing that passion and stewardship was needed, so I made a decision that I would try to help out in the health department. If I can sample out some of what I have been learning through my transformation to help others, that would be awesome. I have said this before, and I'll say it again: if I can inspire one more person to make one positive change in their life, then I feel that all of my hard work has been totally worth it. The statement itself is comprehensive in nature, so I will always be in pursuit of another life to impact, and I will always be grateful to God for what He has allowed me to accomplish through the gifts and talents He has given me.

So now I found myself in a meeting with people I am at best vaguely acquainted with, but again everyone was welcoming, and we all have one thing in common: we care about people. In the meeting I learned a lot about how processes work and am excited help out where I can with the other things we discussed as an outreach team. Really, it is what it sounds like--we plan to reach out to the people in our congregation, the community, and our families and friends to help and offer fellowship and also grow the church by doing this. We plan to do good, "Berry Good". Thanks for reading everyone!

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