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Monday, August 9, 2010


This past weekend was quiet. Not in the sense that I had nothing to do--believe me there aren't enough hours in the day to catch up on everything. Jasmine, however, was enjoying her time with her best friend, Michelle, at Lollapalooza so it was, indeed, much quieter here at home. I did get ample office work accomplished, but I got to take a much needed break by checking out "Inception" with my brother-in-law Victor yesterday. I thought it was brilliant and fascinating, and I really got lost in it. If you haven't seen it or aren't familiar with it, click on the title to this blog and link to the official movie site. Anyway, much of it had to do with dreams and about what we feel is real and what's not. My favorite quote from the movie would have to be:
"True inspiration is impossible to fake."
They were discussing implanting an idea into a subject's mind, but by doing so, the subject would have to come to the realization or be inspired by his own thoughts. He could be led there, but he would have to create the idea.

I appreciate this idea so much because it's exactly what I try to do with health and fitness. Even when people say that I have motivated or inspired them, it's not really me and my story. Yes, it can be powerful to see me now if you'd known me 75 lbs ago, but it's the thoughts that enter your mind about your belief in yourself and what you can do that really do it for you. Once you see the possibilities of what you can do, (in health and everything else for that matter), and you desire to take the steps needed to get there, you can focus and make it happen. "True inspiration", effectively, is what does it. Your mind can create for you a future reality, and you can follow through. So don't be afraid to dream--actually, I encourage you to envision yourself as you want to be, then strive to learn more about how that version of yourself would feel, act, behave, know, etc, and simply pursue those things until you have embodied your inspired version of yourself. Listen, I know this is a heady blog, but Inception was a heady movie! Lol! Seriously, though, YOU are the most important person you know, and only YOU have the power to change and/or improve yourself and your future. Be a dreamer this week! Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!

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