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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cause And Effect

Recently while preparing for a new client's training session, I did some research on the medications he was taking. One of them was being used to treat high cholesterol, and the other for high triglycerides. Used in combination, though, there was a risk for muscle damage among other things. I concluded due to his situation that if he could successfully lose excess weight through dietary changes and a proper fitness program, he should be able to shed these medications for good! Many of us have found our way to the doctor to find we have high levels of this, and bad levels of that, a disorder here, condition there, etc. Am I right? What usually ends up happening is the doctor will mention something regarding weight and/or dietary and exercise changes, then give us a prescription for medication which we are more than happy to run to the pharmacy to fill. What then happens is we continue the medications but neglect to work the root of the problem? We are treating the effect of our issue when we should really be treating and adjusting the cause. If we get to the root of the problem, we can eliminate the medications that were simply treating our issue during a limited period of time instead of living on these medications. Also, it is not acceptable to say that you can't afford to eat better or take time to exercise or pay for proper training. It is unacceptable because you are not paying for the actual training sessions or higher food quality. You are investing your dollars in your own life. Essentially, you are paying to add years to your life, time spent with family and out of the hospital, and you are actually saving more of your own time and money in the longrun. Trust me, this is absolutely true, and it IS that dramatic. Give me a call and let's set up a free fitness evaluation and consultation. All you have to lose is pounds and inches! Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for reading!

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