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Monday, November 9, 2009

Partner Up!

Ok so you've made the decision, you're getting in shape, eating better...but it's starting to get hard to keep your mental focus. What do you do? Well I don't have the best answer for this because everyone is motivated by different things and everyone has a different level of self-motivation. But here are some tips that I have used/experienced that have helped me out. Hopefully one or more of these will help you!

1. Partner Up! Working out with someone or attempting the same home fitness program as a friend will help you keep going. Odds are, when you are not exactly feeling up to it, you will still show up because you don't only have yourself to be accountable to and you don't want to let your partner down. Likewise, you wouldn't want your buddy to get results while you sit on the couch would you? If you work out at home, you can work out with someone else on WOWY (work out with you). This is a feature on, where a community of people who work out at home check in to workout, schedule routines, and even cool down and chat with people who have also just completed a work out. Luckily for me, my brother-in-law and I did a couple fitness programs together, at different times of the day. I knew I had to keep showin' up and really pushing myself because I didn't want to fall behind and honestly, I would tell myself, "if Victor could finish today, so can I".

2. Revisit your "Why" Sometimes when things seem tough, it is easy to fill your day with other tasks and you may find yourself conveniently missing your fitness routine. It is not because you don't need to complete your other tasks, but something has happened in your mind that has dropped fitness on your priority list. It is important to remember that without proper fitness, your health is not the best it can be, and without your health, what can you do? Further, remember the "why". Why do you want to be healthy? You want to be around for your are sick of feeling tired all the time...your doctor told you to do so. Those are some examples but you need to ask yourself. This simple thing can help you re-prioritize your health at the top of your list where it should be, and finding the time and getting rid of the excuses will be no problem. Personally, I focus on my health so that I don't have the same health problems that my dad has developed and so that I can live a long, healthy life with my wife and future children and not on the sidelines. That's enough for me, but within the past year my why also has changed to include staying healthy and fit for all of the people I have motivated and helped achieve their goals. What a great feeling.

3. Get a personal trainer. Maybe you just need a coach/mentor to help you by giving you intermittent, hands-on training and support. Also, you will be accountable to someone besides a friend/family member who you may be shrugging off. Your trainer will be able to help customize a routine that works toward your strengths, what you like/dislike, and a trainer can help you get outside your comfort zone and really get the results you are looking for. I am now available as a personal trainer and will be officially certified soon. So call/contact me, and I will be glad to help you achieve your fitness and health goals by working you through the difficulties and obstacles and by celebrating your successes.

There are certainly more methods like establishing a routine and sticking to a time schedule, etc, and if you have a method that helps you, please comment on this blog and share it because you will help someone else by doing so! Also, please set up a free profile on team beachbody by clicking on the title of this link which will take you to my coach page. Click "join" and scroll down through the chart and decide whether you want to set up a free or club membership. there are different perks with both, but you can do a lot with the free membership and you will be connected directly to me and I will give you free support! Thanks for reading everyone, and check back tomorrow. Start the week off right!

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