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Friday, November 13, 2009

Nitric Oxide??

Ok so my friend sent me this link cause he knows I'm nuts about fitness. It is a short article, info, and celebrity testimonial page highlighting the benefits and reasons why athletes train with nitric oxide enhancing supplements. Laughing gas? No not nitrous oxide....nitric oxide, according to wikipedia, is

"NO is an important messenger molecule involved in many physiological and pathological processes within the mammalian body both beneficial and detrimental.[1] Appropriate levels of NO production are important in protecting an organ such as the liver from ischemic damage. However sustained levels of NO production result in direct tissue toxicity and contribute to the vascular collapse associated with septic shock, whereas chronic expression of NO is associated with various carcinomas and inflammatory conditions including juvenile diabetes, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and ulcerative colitis."

What does it all mean Basel? Well, if you read the whole Wikipedia page and can make sense of some of the language, it appears that Nitric Oxide is an important messenger molecule which helps deliver oxygen to muscles and organs. In the above paragraph it would seem that high, sustained levels are dangerous, but it is a volotile molecule that breaks down quickly until it is replenished, and since that is the case it would make sense that athletes could afford more because we use this up quicker. The product, force factor, claims to help you work harder, get more ripped, and build bigger and better without creatine, caffeine, or other potentially dangerous stimulants, and this seems positive and backed by medical professionals. Overall, this is still a mystery to me, but I opted for the 14-day trial for 4.99 s/h...I'll let you know how it works for me. If anyone has used this or is using this, please comment about your experience and results. Thanks for reading and have a great Friday the 13th everyone!

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