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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stones On The Path

Do you ever encounter stones on your path? Potholes on the street? Today in church, our pastor asked the congregation to call out different obstacles between us and peace. "Fear"..."Pride"..."Greed"...were just some of the terms and phrases shouted out by members of the congregation. These and many more were represented by stones on a thin sheet of cloth which was the "path". She then explained how our relationship with God helps us spread the stones, clearing our path and in some ways actually helping to illuminate or point out our way to peace. I found this very insightful and applicable to my life in general, and I wanted to share it with all of you. We can use this same principle to help us through our obstacles and reach our goals. We cannot simply wish that we had more convenient circumstances like more money, better schedules, etc. Life will surely give us a mix of hardships and obstacles along with opportunities and joys. What we must do is pray and learn to seize the opportunities in the midst of hardships. When we are better skilled to deal with adversity, we will have an even greater sense of accomplishment when reaching our goals, and we will be better armed to handle even greater challenges. We will also be stronger and more able to help others take on the obstacles in their lives so that they can reach their goals and find peace as well.

Admittedly, one of the obstacles I face at times is my own voice. Today after the service, myself, my wife, and my mother-in-law all came home and were preparing some food for lunch and for the week. My mother-in-law was discussing some family matters when I commented. I don't believe I said anything hurtful or inappropriate, but I surely did not need to interject. As a result, she was upset. I didn't know right away, but eventually I figured it out and then I became upset. I was upset because I don't want to hurt the people I love. I realized after reflecting on the event that I need to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes and just listen. Sounds simple and it really is that simple. And with God's help, I will improve this about myself.

What obstacles are standing between you and...peace? health and fitness goals? (Okay so I had to throw that in). Identifying them is your first step, and sometimes it can be hard to admit our own shortcomings. But it is only by identifying and working to change and improve that we will be able to progress. Please comment and share your own stories, obstacles, and/or anything you would like that may help you, me, or other readers. Have a great week, everyone, and thanks for reading!

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