"HI MIKE JUST WANTED TO SAY HI AN SEE HOW THINGS WERE GOING FOR YOU AN YOUR? I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW IM DOING GREAT IV LOST 13LBS JUST WORKING OUT AN PLANNING MY MEALS! YOUR ANSWERS FOR MY QUESTIONS REALLY DID HELP! THANK YOU! WELL I HOPE LIFE IS TREATING YOU AN YOUR GREAT! LIFE IS GOOD FOR ME THANKS TO YOU! =0) TAKE CARE BUDDY!Obviously, some words are jarbled as is much text over the web, mine included, but you get the idea. 13lbs already! The sentence that really almost brings me to tears is "Life is good for me thanks to you". Wow. Nessa, thank you so much. This is the type of stuff that keeps me running. When people ask me why I am so happy all the time and why I have so much energy...this is why. Thanks again everyone, and if I have inspired you or someone you know in any way, please log in to teambeachbody.com (or click on the title to go to my coach page to set up a free account) and vote for my story for the quarterly MDBG(Million Dollar Body Game) contest. Thanks for reading, everyone!NESSA
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