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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dress For The Job You Want

I'm late on the blog today, so I apologize, but I want to mention something briefly. Yesterday, my buddy Luis was telling me how his girlfriend got a new haircut and totally changed her style. He said she had been working toward a new job role, and that it was the whole "dress for the job you want, not for the job you have" mentality, and I thought this was very relevant for many situations. Working for a restaurant in a high-end health club, I often notice trainers and members who are in great shape eating very healthily, and they definitely look the part. On the other hand, there are people that work out regularly that I see, and if you saw them in the street, you would never guess they ever stepped one foot inside of a gym. How can this be? Perhaps they are wondering the same thing, but I think I have an idea of what's going on. They are not "dressing the part" so to speak. People who aren't getting results or are hitting physical plateaus may have one of a few issues. One is that they are complacent in their workouts, and they don't change up their routines and/or they only do what they are comfortable doing, which will not yield results over time. However, the more likely scenario is that they eat way too many calories, even if they might eat generally more healthily than many people. I am always saying, "If you want to look like an athlete, you must eat like an athlete." I could not phrase it much better than this, and it's true. People that eat burgers and fries and drink pop all day will most likely pack on more fat than people who drink water and eat foods high in whole grains and vegetables and keep their saturated fats down. Just makes sense, really. So if you want to be an athlete, don't waste your hard work in the gym by feeding your body garbage. Would you put cheap gas in a Ferrari? Think about it, and check out how you're doing by setting up a free profile on Here you will be able to find out if your diet is appropriate for your goals. Feel free to contact me by clicking on the title to this blog and visiting my coach page, and I can help you find a home fitness program that will challenge you and help you achieve the results you aren't getting in the gym. Thanks for reading, everyone!

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