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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fat body, skinny brain

Over the weekend, I picked up the December issue of Men's Health for yet another source of education. Yesterday, I was reading through when I came across a page on weight loss, and the most interesting thing I found was a note on a study of 94 people at the University of Pittsburgh. They scanned their brains and found that in the overweight, the brain was 4% smaller than that of healthy-weight people, and in the obese, they were 8% smaller! Unreal! You see, excess weight/fat restricts blood vessels and lessens lung capacity, depriving the brain of oxygen. So, in fact, by allowing yourself to become and remain overweight/obese, you are suffocating your brain! Crazy, huh? Now, if you drink a lot of alcohol and smoke cigarettes too, imagine the damage you are doing. Why would you want to do this to yourself? If you need help, please contact me. I can show you how to start making small changes that will lead to big results. This must be why, since losing over 75 lbs, I feel the best I ever have before, I am the most assertive, focused, and motivated than ever before, and I guess I'm smarter, too!

Here's a final tip from that same page in Men's Health: eat with people who are health conscious! Like other associations, eating works the same way. Researchers found that if an individual watches a skinny person orders/eats a lot of food, he/she would tend to order/eat more than usual, too. Likewise, if you watch an overweight/obese person eat, you will tend to eat healthier and eat less, and in some instances, less than you normally would. So eat with health-conscious people and you will naturally eat healthier. Seems logical's that whole "guilt by association" thing, I guess. Anyways, hope you learned some interesting stuff. Click on the title to link to the Men's Health website, and feel free to visit my coach site at Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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