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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So many people ask me, "How did you lose all that weight?" or "What have you been doing" or "Can you eat whatever you want now?" These are all legitimate questions, but the real question is "why?" Why should you want to lose weight? Why should you want to join a gym or workout using a home fitness system? Why should you only want to eat healthy foods? There are several reasons for me, but what would drive you? What drives you to do whatever you need to to protect your children? What makes you get out of bed at 4 a.m. every day when you know your workday will be stressful, you might skimp on meals, and miss out on all the things you could be doing if you were home? Figure out whatever it is that motivates you, and use that as your focus to get healthy because when you live a healthy lifestyle, everything else you do improves. Your relationships will improve, your efficiency at home and work will improve, your mood is better, your energy goes through the roof...the benefits are countless. This is a short blog for today, but it is simple and direct, and hopefully I can reach one or two of you. Why am I motivated to help you? Because I know what my healthy self looks and feels like, and I would be selfish not to want to encourage this experience. The real question is this: Why wouldn't you want to be healthy? If you can't think of any good reasons, do yourself a favor and contact me. I'm here to help you! Click on the title to set up a free profile with me as your coach, and send me an email and let me know you're ready! Thanks for reading everyone and check back tomorrow! Have a great day!

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