Has your latte been getting to you? Think you might be lactose intolerant? Well, the odds are that you are. According to "Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies" about 75% of the world's people, as they age, lose most of their ability to produce enough of the enzyme lactase to digest the milk sugar lactose. Lactase is made in the small intestine and breaks down the lactose into glucose and galactose, which can then be absorbed by the body. People with lactose intolerance experience nausea, pain, diarrhea, and excessive gas when drinking milk or using other (dairy) products that contain lactose.
People experience lactose intolerance in varying degrees, and most can break down some of the lactose while a rare few cannot tolerate lactose at all. Keep in mind that though you may experience some of the symptoms listed above, you may not necessarily be lactose intolerant. In fact, many people overestimate the severity of their lactose intolerance, blaming it for other symptoms which most often are caused by other things (like the 1/3lb fatty cheeseburger you ate with that milkshake!). Also, yogurt and cheeses, contain significantly less lactose due to the bacteria or molds that break it down during the fermentation process. Look on the labels though-some of these products contain milk solids, which will contain lactose.
Don't worry, though, because you are lactose intolerant it doesn't mean you have an allergy to milk or dairy products, but if you find it bothers you too much there are some options. First, limit your dairy products. Personally, I have replaced cow's milk with vanilla soy milk, which may sound to you like a difficult switch, but I actually prefer it in coffee, cereal, smoothies, and every now and then by itself. It has a smooth texture like half-and-half, and a delicious, slightly sweet flavor. Also, it has the same or more calcium, protein, and other nutrients that milk does, so it is a logical replacement. Some people have recommended rice milk, but it lacks the amount of protein that soy milk contains, so I have not tried it. Also, I eat greek yogurt, and some goat cheese, but other than that, I don't use any dairy. If you really can't live without your regular milk, there are products available to add to your servings to help you break the lactose down. If you want to know more, click on the title of this blog to visit the lactose intolerance page from google health. Thanks for reading and check back tomorrow! Happy Friday everyone!
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Friday, October 30, 2009
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Did you know I am severly lactose intolerant? I discovered this earlier this year and since giving up dairy almost entirely, I've never felt better. I also had some cholestorol issues, so even though I can still eat some dairy with the help of the lactaid enzyme pill, I reserve its use only for special occasions. It helped me lower my chol. levels and feel much better! Good for you for spreading the word!