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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Little Things

So far my life as a trainer has been nothing short of awesome. I'm meeting new people every day and getting countless opportunities to change lives. I work some floor shifts where I am scheduled to be at the gym walking the floor, meeting people, and helping tidy up the place. Floor shifts are as close to an hourly job as it gets in the gym, but the best part of my day is when I take the blue shirt off and replace it with a black one, indicating I will be training clients. I call it "Batman Mode" (lol). Anyway, when I have these opportunities, I get excited at the chance to help someone learn something and to be part of their transformation story. Everyone has goals that they need to reach. I understand firsthand how difficult it is, and as I've been working more and more with people, I am working more and more outside of the gym-learning and preparing for my planned sessions. I create presentations, assignments, and of course, workouts and schedules for my clients. My objective is to keep them engaged. Some would tell you that I inspire them. I truly believe that this is not the case, but that I actually help them find inspiration they already have within themselves. I am already noticing progress in some of my clients that have only been working with me for a few weeks! Improvements in strength, flexibility, and endurance have been noted, and when I'm writing the numbers down I really get pumped up! The most important improvements are the ones I am not writing down. The changes happening inside are much more profound than any physical improvements. The difficult thing for me as well as my clients or anyone else working on a longer term plan is simply, patience. I know that success comes after time, people will shift their lifestyles and become better, and that is true in the business sense as well. It's not about making huge changes here and there. Success happens when we do the little things that need to be done each day, and by continuing to progress and persevere with a positive attitude with a relentless discipline. What little things are you doing to improve your health, your business/career, your relationships...your life? Think about some small tweaks and adjustments you can make to better yourself, and make it happen! Have a great day, and thanks for reading!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Master The Bean

Every weekend there is plenty to do, and Sunday is the day where my mother-in-law buckles-down in the kitchen and recently she's been mastering several dishes. Sunday is our big cooking day where we make a batch of tabbouleh for the week's lunches along with some other various foods for lunch/dinner throughout the week. She has really been mastering the black-bean patty, and I'm more impressed every week. For several weeks in the past, I used to buy frozen black bean burgers from Costco which were absolutely delicious but they were quite expensive when I started realizing the prices. Also, my mother-in-law, like myself, is very ambitious in the kitchen and loves to experiment. She first started making these patties with a mixture of black beans, bread crumbs, and spices, etc, and they were alright. Recently they've evolved to much more. The texture is beautiful and slightly crispy and they hold together perfectly. There are flavors in these things that make me forget I ever enjoyed beef before in my life. Honestly. So now (and I will try to get a recipe!) she makes these burgers with black beans, corn, red potatoes, and a slew of other spices and herbs and they are amazing! It is quite the process as the Saturday before she cooks pre-soaked beans into a stew or soup of sorts for hours to break down the beans into a thick, creamy mixture, lets that cool overnight, and finishes on Sunday. I was planning to talk about the other grilling and dinner we have, but I got carried away by the bean burgers!

This message was in part intended to get you all to experiment more in the kitchen, but it may also serve as a valuable metaphor about mastery. Mastery is the continual process of sharpening your skill, and to true leaders and successful people, is more of an ideal and something to strive for. We can always learn, make small adjustments, and improve. But in this process we also evolve our understanding and expand our knowledge so that our theory and tastes may also change, leading us to learn more and work toward new levels of mastery. People were not born with skills, money, or success. All of these things are learned and take hard work and perseverance. If you want something bad enough and are willing to work hard and focus, you can and will develop the skills necessary to reach your goals and you, too, can strive for mastery. Think about some areas where you "wish" you could be better, and turn those wishes into goals! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Forced Reps

Yesterday during my floor shift, a member asked me for a spot on bench. If you're not familiar with this practice, the job of the "spotter" is to assist with lifting the weight off the rack for the lifter, keep an eye on form, coach and motivate the lifter, and most importantly, to make sure the lifter maintains safety, especially when lifting heavy weight. People don't necessarily need this all the time, but when lifting for strength, a forced rep or two can make a huge difference.

When doing a set of a given number of repetitions, it is important to exhaust the muscles which will cause more breakdown and result in more rebuilding and hypertrophy. (There is much more of a scientific explanation, but it's not absolutely necessary to get into that much detail here.) When not utilizing a spotter, we may tend to stop before full exhaustion has taken place, but when safety can be assured, you will be able to at least try for one or two additional reps that you may not have attempted otherwise. These are arguably the most important reps you need to progress! Also, in the case of bench, the lifter is pushing that last one out and when he/she is failing to get the weight back up, the spotter can very lightly pull up or tap underneath the bar allowing just enough assistance for the lifter to exert the rest of his/her energy to finish the rep. This is what is meant by "forced reps". I encourage all of you who are strength training to utilize a spotter for safety and results! Keep a fitness journal and track your progress and you will find yourself squeezing out more reps and eventually more weight! Keep pushing yourself, and you'll get where you want to be! Don't forget the post-workout recovery drink, and please comment on your results/questions, etc. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pizza Night

Friday I usually don't have appointments or floor shifts (for now), so I have been using Fridays specifically to get grocery shopping and other home errands done. One thing we've been doing regularly is making pizza. Yes, pizza! But not traditional greasy, empty, overly-fatty pizza. I start by making the dough from scratch with organic stone-ground whole wheat flour, whole grain rye flour, and flaxseed meal. There are only a handful of other ingredients in the dough including extra-virgin olive oil, salt, granulated garlic, honey, and...well, that's really it. I have really gotten the hang of it, and it is quite rewarding to get to the finished product. Anyway, I knead the dough, (which is a great arm workout by the way), then set it to proof for an hour and a half. During this time I usually get some office work done or even get grocery shopping out of the way. After it has risen, I punch the dough down, split it up, and let it rise slightly again for about 15-20 minutes. Then it's time to roll out the dough and pre-bake. We top the rounds (or pan style, whichever floats my boat on the given day) with slices of roma tomatoes, fresh veggies, and a bit of mozzerella. I have been trying to get away from cheese and dairy a bit more, so on one of the pizzas I crumbled soft tofu instead of mozzerella and made a delicious vegan pizza. It was awesome! So you see, pizza night can be healthy and fun too! I have pretty much mastered the process, so look for the recipe and pics soon on my recipe blog. Please post comments and how you make pizza or other traditionally unhealthy foods a bit healthier--we'd love to hear and learn! Have a wonderful Saturday everyone, and thanks for reading!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Spa Therapy

Yesterday I had the chance to meet with one of the veteran massage therapists at our spa. We chatted for a while and also discussed a client we have in common. I learned more about some of my clients issues by talking with the massage therapist, and it really helped. We also discussed the importance and relevance of spa services as they relate to aspects of fitness and health, and how combining various treatments with fitness training has great benefits to the client. We also discussed how many trainers miss the boat here. One of the first things I did was visit the spa to touch base with them so I would know how to refer and who I should refer to. I think it's crucial to get a feel for all areas of my fitness club to ultimately take better care of my clients. Joseph, the therapist I was conversing with, explained to me that there are several trainers that are simply not friendly. Some of his clients that talk about their trainers, and sometimes, Joseph has never met or had any conversations with these people. It's kind of sad, really. Think of it this way: if you are in a family sharing a home or living with other people (or have experienced a multi-person household in the past) you would most likely be in contact with everyone, right? It would be silly not to get to know the people you see on a regular basis. We all talk to each other at some point, and it's great to get to know everyone better if at least to have a sense of who your dealing with. Same concept here.

Anyway, the conclusion here is that spa services aren't just for pampering yourself when you have nothing else to do with your money. They can be valuable in your recovery and for improving your mobility, flexibility, and well-being. I noticed just yesterday that one of my clients who has neck issues had amazingly more flexibility and much less of a knot in her worst area. This I can attribute to her recent massage, and she loved it, too! So I appreciate the work that our spa does, and if you are in need of spa services, I encourage you to click on the title to this blog to check out the spa services at Equinox. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Who's Your Angel?

In the past two months or so I've been at the gym, I've had a chance to meet and work with several members. Our members are friendly, and many are very hard workers in and out of the gym. The personalities range, and there are a few that really stand out. I want to talk a bit about one such stand out.

There always seemed to be this one guy that was extremely friendly and happy...I mean really almost satirical-like. His energy and sincere passion for life really drew my curiosity, and I asked one of the girls at the desk about him. "Oh that's Johnny" they told me. We all discussed that this guy was really nice, but I still didn't know that much about him. While conducting a fitness assessment one day recently, my client and I walked through the gym and came across Johnny. He and my client knew each other and chatted for a moment. Johnny and I formally introduced ourselves, and he shared briefly that he'd had cancer twice and that he founded a company built on providing one-on-one support for cancer fighters and survivors. I told him that my mom was, in fact, a breast cancer survivor, and he gave me his card to follow up. My mom is now registered with Johnny and is one of the "angels". I encourage all of you to read Johnny's compelling story by clicking on the title to this blog or here to read a letter about Johnny's fight and why he decided to start this company.

Step back for a moment and really put this in perspective. It's so easy at times to take for granted what we've been given. We all face issues and also have good times. But whenever you feel that you can't push yourself (in any endeavor) harder or feel upset or angry regarding petty disputes, etc, think about people battling for their lives and what life means to them. We who have not faced a deadly disease like cancer can't begin to fathom exactly what it's like, but we can surely try. And we owe it to those less fortunate to live our lives to the fullest--caring, compassionate, positive, and always with a high level of integrity. Support those you care about and that care about you. Also, try the harder thing--to support people you care less for or don't even know. Show mercy and love even to your enemies, and appreciate life. Have a great day everyone--what a glorious day to be alive! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Partner Up

As many of you know, I have a real passion for fitness and health, and I've been creating complete game plans for my clients to help them succeed. Included in the game plan is an overview and analysis of the fitness assessment I take them through, recommendations, body composition goals, nutritional goals, and even an example of a calendar of daily fitness to help them out. Over the past couple weeks, I've had the great opportunity to partner up with another new trainer. His name is Johnny, and he's actually "fresh off the boat" from London, England. He's got a great passion for this as well, and we've really been working together as a team to work through this "new" period and help our clients succeed as well as each other. I showed Johnny what I've been putting together, and he loved it. We have decided to work together to refine our process, our presentations, and include more. In doing so, we are admittedly going way above the normal expectations of the gym, but our goal is to provide a real value and education and keep our clients excited so that they have an even better chance to succeed! The takeaway here is this--if you have the opportunity to work on something with a co-worker, friend, etc., you will always benefit from the experience. There is only so much you can do on your own, and even though you may think you have all the best ideas, humble yourself for a moment and relish the chance to learn. After all, this is most likely what you expect and would want from the people that look to you (or your customers), so if you are willing to be open, chances are your customers and others will respond and be open as well. Partner up, people, and work smarter! Have a great day, and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Too Positive

Yesterday was a long, busy, and awesome day at work. I left my house around 5am and got home around 10pm. Yeah. I was happy to do this as I had 2 stacked appointments in the morning which led to two new clients! That means two more lives I have a chance to impact positively! I had an initial appointment in the middle of the day, and one more follow-up in the evening before my two regular clients. I want to talk about the follow-up appointment today. As this potential client came down the escalator, I could see by the look in her face that she wasn't excited to be at the gym with me. I did my best to make the most of it, but her attitude really was not responsive to what we were trying to do. It's really hard to teach someone when they don't want to learn. Anyways, I continued to stretch her afterward, and she did compliment me as giving her "the best stretch she ever had". However, we both admitted openly that we didn't feel the trainer/trainee connection, and for this I was a bit saddened and felt a sense of failure. She actually told me I had "too much of a positive attitude" for her, which seems kind of funny, really. I am a bit disappointed in myself that I wasn't able to cater to her and give her the value she needed to at least show her a positive training experience. Jim Rone said, " learn more in losing..." I definitely learned that when a situation comes up and you have done your best, even if it doesn't end up working out, remain positive (even if that was the issue!) and things will still work out. I needed to keep my attitude positive not just for me, but for the two regular clients that have been responding so well to it. I bounced back and had two awesome sessions to finish my night!

So people, no matter what happens, remain positive. There's a chance that some won't respond, but most people will, and results will happen! Also, have fun! Again, there are some people who just don't want to let go and might actually be afraid to have fun, but don't let that bring you down. If you elevate yourself as a leader, the people who look up to you will have to rise to some degree to keep up with you! So stay positive, have fun, and do your best because:
"Your best is always good enough!" -T. Horton
Have a great day, and thanks for reading!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Don't Wait

Today I had the opportunity to work with a new client who is admittedly venturing into new territory. She has never had a gym membership, and it's been years before she has played sports competitively. She's like many of us. Time has slipped away allowing bad diet habits, sedentary practices, and other potentially harmful ailments in. I asked her, "Why are you here today?" She stated that she wants to do something about her health now and admits she has waited "too long." "It's never too late to start, but it's always too late to wait," I told her. To each of you who thinks you have waited too long or are struggling as a result, get it in now, and I congratulate you for taking the first step and admitting you have an issue. Sound like an AA meeting? An unhealthy lifestyle is a horrible addiction. Turn it around today for the promise of a better future. Don't look back to today and regret that you didn't take crucial steps forward. Short and sweet one today, folks. Feel free to chime in with a comment and let us all know a bit about your story and how you've been turnin' things around! And remember--each person that cares about you amounts to one more reason to live a healthy lifestyle! We need you here! Have a great day and thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Simple Stuff

When shopping for groceries, namely snacks, it often seems we are bombarded by colorfully created packaging strapped with health benefits and of course, convenience. Many of these items, though claiming to be healthy, don't really seem like they would normally. Are they? Well, I guess "healthy" is a relative term in this case, because even too much of one type of healthy food can create imbalances in your diet, etc. But let's keep it simple here and just compare a few concepts. First, I don't care how "natural" your Natural Chee-tos are, there is no Chee-tos tree with cheese curls hanging from the branches, are there? Think about it for a moment. Even all of these enriched, fortified foods we see aren't as healthy being pumped with vitamins than the fruits and vegetables that naturally contain the same vitamins are. Let's talk about rice cakes for a moment. The perfectly round, somewhat stale textured cakes are healthy, right? Well, if you look at the Quaker label's ingredients, you aren't really sure what you're eating. It's still packed with 3+ syllable chemicals and a long list of ingredients. I thought they were just rice, right? Now let's take a look at a competitor: Lundburg Organic Rice cakes (Wild Rice flavor): Ingredients: Organic whole grain brown rice, organic wild rice, sea salt. Yep. That's it. And we can all identify all three ingredients! I get excited in the store when I see items containing few, natural whole food ingredients, and when your body experiences more natural foods, even snacks, you will too! I encourage you to take a look at what you've been snacking on. Buy more simple snacks, and shop around the perimeter of the grocery store for fruits, veggies, and other produce, too! No labels there, and that's the best stuff! So, keep the ingredients simple, and the closer you are to eating more foods picked from the earth, the better off you will be surely! Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Great Timing

Today I'd like to discuss what you should be doing after your workout. Okay, shower of course! Actually, I want to talk about what you should consume. As you may or may not know, there is a crucial window after your workout which is referred to as the anabolic phase. "Immediately after exercise, muscle cells are extremely sensitive to the anabolic effects of the hormone insulin...consumption of carbohydrates during this time period is so important for driving muscle glycogen recovery and muscle tissue repair and synthesis...protein consumed without carbohydrate is far less efficient during the anabolic phase...specific antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and amino acids can speed muscle recovery," according to the book "Nutrient Timing" by Dr. John Ivy, Ph.D., and Dr. Robert Portman, Ph. D. This book goes into much more detail, and I simply explain it this way: you need carbohydrates to replenish the muscle energy depleted during intense workouts, and protein to support repair and recovery to build muscle mass and strength.

If you aren't eating anything after your workouts, you are missing the boat and quite possibly the most important aspect of your fitness. After all, muscle is built after your workouts and while you rest and sleep, not during your exercises. Furthermore, though whole foods and grains support an overall healthy diet and lifestyle, you may still miss the window if your body is still digesting after an hour or two post-workout. Therefore, you should consume quick-absorbing carbs, protein, and other nutrients to replenish your body after a workout. For more information on this, I highly suggest reading "Nutrient Timing" as it will help you understand in way more depth what actually happens and how to appropriately time your sports nutrition. If you want a great post-workout supplement based on these principles, I highly suggest the P90X Results and Recovery Formula. Click on the link or the title to this blog to connect to my Team Beachbody store to pick up a month's worth of convenient packets or check out the tub. I use this formula as part of my post-workout recovery and have been for almost two years now. Please contact me for more info. Have a great weekend, and thanks for reading!

Friday, August 20, 2010

No Clients Left Behind

As part of the membership package, new Equinox members receive a complimentary Equifit fitness assessment and a follow-up complimentary personal training session. This is beneficial for the client because they get a better idea on how to pin down their goals, find out where they're at physically, and also get a taste of what it's like to work with a personal trainer. It also benefits the club and the trainers as an ice-breaker into personal training, and it's the main way I meet potential clients. Some people when asked, "Why are you here today?" will say something like, "It's part of my membership..." or bluntly respond, "I'm not interested in training..." My take is this: I will learn from the experience by treating everyone like a client. I perform a full assessment and plan a program for each client as if to assume they will be working with me for a long time. This way, I don't short-change anyone, and who knows--they might even change their minds.

Often times, salespeople and/or professionals in a "people business" sell themselves short by making assumptions that people won't buy or pick up their services. Well, if you lead your potential clients away, they will go away. If you engage and draw them in, treating them like valued clients and showing them value, they may follow your lead and realize that there is true value for them in what you are offering them. I urge all of you to be assumptive--assume that each client needs and wants your services. (If you are successful at what you do then you should actually believe this in your heart.) Also, don't create issues or product-dump as it will get you nowhere. Instead, ask questions and uncover real needs so that you can find valid and relevant solutions for your potential clients, and the value will turn them into clients for life. I believe 100% that everyone needs a certain level of training, and I am determined to leave no clients behind because I don't want to miss the opportunity to profoundly impact another person's life in a positive way.

If your strategy is simply to avoid losing, you have already quit on yourself. Play to win! Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Yesterday I completed a rigorous chest & back focused workout, which included a few supersets as well as a mini circuit at the end. For some of my back exercises, I used dumbbells in a pulling fashion to focus on my middle-back, namely my latissimus dorsi muscles, or so I thought. Sometimes it takes an outside look to notice common mistakes made in form, and this is what happened to me yesterday. After my workout, a more experienced female trainer asked me if I was deliberately trying to work my traps (trapezius). It took me a moment, but I realized she was referring to my workout, and I had in mind the back exercises she was talking about.

I want to pause for a moment, because most (or all) of you who are reading this aren't trainers but you are most likely professionals in whatever field you are in. You know that feeling you get when you think you are doing things properly and someone comes in and informs you that you might be wrong? This was that feeling. This is relevant because I urge all of you to push that feeling of pride down, think about the situation for a moment, and realize that this person is trying to help you. It's at least worth a listen, and the fact that he/she said something indicates they care enough to take their own time to tell you about it.

I had that short moment, pushed past it, and realized she was right. I listened to her advice, and she told me what she had witnessed. Apparently, my back wasn't in the proper posture for the exercises, and also on my shoulder flys, I was shrugging my shoulders. Both of these indicated that I was first of all using too much weight, but also since my back was more rounded than arched, I was using more of my traps and not actually targeting the areas that the exercises were intended to target. Further, I wouldn't want to injure myself, and I certainly wouldn't want someone to try to duplicate my exercise and replicate my improper form. I will take the advice seriously, and I really appreciated her letting me know so I can correct these issues and improve my workouts! In whatever field you might be in, just remember to take advice as you want your advice to be taken, and realize that the adviser is not out to attack you! Your pride causes you to feel that way, so humble yourself and learn from whatever advice is given as it will help you in your task as well as benefit your character. Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Losing Everything

Money problems? I know I have some. What else? (Please refrain from naming them all off in your mind! But I feel you!) In the process of getting aquainted with my new clients, I have recently been telling my "nutshell" story of how my life was great, things were going well, and then we got flooded and "lost everything". Many of you know the rest of the story--how that flood served as the catalyst for myself and my entire family learning to live active, healthy lifestyles. This entry is not about that though.

I want to go back to "losing everything." Again, we are still recovering from the deep financial hole dug by the flood, and currently, my wife and I have had some serious discussions. I am so blessed that we have such an understanding regarding our situation. Today marks our third wedding anniversary, and we have been together for over 10 years. We've been broke, rich, and back together, and through it all have kept the love strong. In fact, I tell people what I feel--it keeps getting better with each new day. So I've really re-evaluated the phrase "lost everything" because in my mind, as long as my wife loves me and my family is healthy and happy, I have everything a man could ever want in life. I'm arguably the happiest broke dude you'll meet. Thank God for this day! It's a glorious day to be healthy! Have a great day, and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Yesterday I had the opportunity to conduct a fitness assessment for a woman who was admittedly weary and a bit guarded when it comes to personal training. "Trainers don't seem to understand..." Apparently, she works full-time and is also a full-time grad student. She needs a flexible program that will work for her and not the agenda of a trainer. I get it, and even though she may not end up training regularly or even at all, I will do my best to find a solution to fit her needs. As professionals in the "people business", you and I must put aside our needs and consider what our client/customer needs. It is more important that they benefit in a positive way even if we know that we might not benefit monetarily. Put yourself on the other side of the chess board for a moment and look at why they are making the moves they do. It may be easier in some ways to build stronger relationships with wary individuals than people who seem completely transparent. The wary person will tell you their objection and, essentially, the actions not to repeat. What value can you show them, and how can you blow the top off what they think their experience will be like? Wow them, and you are sure to wow yourself. If you miss the sale or the offer is still declined, we still benefit. Our aim is to win, but defeat teaches us more, so we still win. Stay positive, and have a great day! Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Slim Nights

Monday is definitely my longest day of the week so far. I wake up at 3am, do my morning thing (including writing this blog, breakfast, etc) leave around 5. I have a split shift at the gym from 6-10 and again from 12-3. That wouldn't be difficult, but I have started to regularly schedule personal training and fitness assessments around 6 and 7 pm, so I haven't been getting home until around 9 or a bit after. I do a pretty good job of packing my lunch, snacks, and dinner so that I have an adequate amount of food for the day, but it always seems after that long day I find myself having a second dinner or munching on some things when I get home. I'm sure many of you have a similar issue with your busy schedules. I get it. You want to get home, get comfy, and just chill. Nothing says relaxation like a plate of food and your favorite couch or chair, right? Well, if you want your clothes to be comfy and not extra tight, you might want to reconsider that second dinner.

In the morning, I usually mix up a Shakeology Greenberry shake with water and ice. A low-calorie, nutrient rich shake that gives me what I need first thing. I have a banana on the train and proceed with my day. Well, today I'm trying something different, at least for today and my late days at work. This morning I made a small parfait (recipe below), which is still lower-cal than a huge breakfast, but packed with protein and enough carbs to energize me for the morning. What I plan to do is come home tonight and instead of having a bowl of pilaf and/or other dinner-type foods, I will simply have my Greenberry shake, which will give me only 140 calories, a good amount of protein, fiber, and whole food nutrients that should support better rebuilding while I sleep and this will be the cure for my late-night munchies. I'll let you know how this shift goes, and I'll also keep you posted on my run training. October is slowly approaching, and I have started to ramp up my workout schedule and weekly mileage. Below is the recipe of my "power parfait" for this morning, and to find out more about the benefits of Shakeology, click on the title to this blog and/or visit Have a great day, and thanks for reading!

Power Parfait
1 cup plain greek yogurt (Fage this time but I prefer Chobani plain)
1/4 cup Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal
1/4 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp honey (an optional embellishment)

Nutrition Breakdown (from Livestrong myplate feature)
Calories: 248.5
Fat: .75g
Protein: 22.75g
Carbs: 38.25
Fiber: 3g
Sugars: 32g

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cause And Effect

Recently while preparing for a new client's training session, I did some research on the medications he was taking. One of them was being used to treat high cholesterol, and the other for high triglycerides. Used in combination, though, there was a risk for muscle damage among other things. I concluded due to his situation that if he could successfully lose excess weight through dietary changes and a proper fitness program, he should be able to shed these medications for good! Many of us have found our way to the doctor to find we have high levels of this, and bad levels of that, a disorder here, condition there, etc. Am I right? What usually ends up happening is the doctor will mention something regarding weight and/or dietary and exercise changes, then give us a prescription for medication which we are more than happy to run to the pharmacy to fill. What then happens is we continue the medications but neglect to work the root of the problem? We are treating the effect of our issue when we should really be treating and adjusting the cause. If we get to the root of the problem, we can eliminate the medications that were simply treating our issue during a limited period of time instead of living on these medications. Also, it is not acceptable to say that you can't afford to eat better or take time to exercise or pay for proper training. It is unacceptable because you are not paying for the actual training sessions or higher food quality. You are investing your dollars in your own life. Essentially, you are paying to add years to your life, time spent with family and out of the hospital, and you are actually saving more of your own time and money in the longrun. Trust me, this is absolutely true, and it IS that dramatic. Give me a call and let's set up a free fitness evaluation and consultation. All you have to lose is pounds and inches! Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Old Fashioned

There are tons of different pills, fad diets, gimmicky devices, health claims and warnings, etc out there right now, and all seem to be various methods of maintaining good health. Is your head spinning yet? Well, from all of the research I've been doing on exercise and nutrition, the solution that I have been steadily coming up with for my clients has been relatively the same: Eat a natural, healthy, balanced diet and also balance out your exercise routine with training, group classes, and your own activities. Also, learn more about health through assignments I will give you and do your own research as well. Now, of course each person's plan will look different based on their goals, but the format is similar, relevant, and simple. No fads. Just hard work and a commitment to your own health. I am so glad to have the chance to make an impact, and I just hope and pray that people realize the importance of placing your health first. After all, without your health, you can't go to work, spend time with your family, etc. Really, all of the things people claim are obstacles are the very reasons we should prioritize fitness and nutrition. With today's busy lifestyles, we really need to work harder to be healthier so that we can perform in the areas that seem to be taking up all of our time, wouldn't you agree? Anyway, it may seem like a simple, old-fashioned approach in a world that wants a "fast-food" type of health program, but your hard work in the gym and in your personal development will really pay dividends into the future. You will have a future because of it. That's all for today! Have a great weekend, and thanks for reading!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Save The Planet?

Yesterday as I walked up Michigan Avenue towards Equinox, an obese man started waving a clipboard at me. I had my headphones on which usually averts the barrage of petition volunteers, and I guess I could have kept walking, but I paused for a moment to listen to his question. "Save the planet?" he asked. I kept walking and gave him the palm, or universal "I'll pass" sign. It's not that I don't care about the planet. It's not even that I didn't have time to talk with him. But it was him. He failed to engage me because he clearly wasn't buying what he was selling. The guy looked not much different than most 50+ men these days: big belly, large neck. Sloppy. And it's not the aesthetics here, people. From what I inferred, this guy ate too much, his diet consisted of high amounts of processed foods and industrialized meats, and he definitely is friends with his pizza delivery guy. So why would I listen to someone talk about saving the planet when they don't want to work on themselves? We can't expect to change the world or hold everyone else to a certain standard when we don't set the example. It starts with each one of us. Being a personal trainer, I must aim to be more knowledgeable than my clients, learn more about their imbalances and ailments in order to teach and train them properly, but most importantly I need to be disciplined in my own diet and fitness, and I must hold myself to a higher standard than I would ever expect from any of my clients. This way, they know that I am committed 110% to fitness and overall health, and they know they can believe in me as their guide. So simple thing is here, people: in any business you might be in--it starts with you.
It's not "Change the planet, save ourselves," but rather, "Change ourselves, save the planet."
 Happy Friday everyone, and thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What Are You Capable Of?

Yesterday I had another training session with my first regular client. She has responded well to my advice and recommendations and does her "homework". When she first came in, she was a bit wary of strength training and the whole gym scene. We've gotten to know one another a little bit, and I feel that we are both getting comfortable with one another already. This client has never really done any type of training other than walking and swimming, so my focus is gradually easing into it, educating her on why we are doing certain things, and helping her with form, especially during corrective exercises. My job is also to help my clients overcome their obstacles. One of hers is that she doesn't enjoy physical activity or exercise, so I am also developing some fun games that include strengthening and interactivity so we both enjoy ourselves, and yesterday was fun for me, and I feel that my client enjoyed herself as well. The reward for me was seeing her at the desk as she was leaving. She was smiling, energetic, and seemed full of joy and excitement for herself. I feel she is gaining confidence in me as her guide to better health and wellness. This improves my self-confidence that we are doing the right things and are both moving forward together.

Training is a "we" experience, and the success of my clients means that I, too, am successful. I love the opportunities that this role is giving me, and I am grateful for the chance to be able to empower someone through training and education. People need to feel hopeful for their future and that they can reach their goals. I don't feel that I motivate people, but my goal is to help people find the motivation and heart within themselves and to help them use their full potential. People's goals may be to lose weight, shave minutes off of their marathon time, etc, but certainly the changes that happen within are much more profound and meaningful than anything on the outside. The true education is what you learn about yourself and what you are able to achieve once you set your mind to it. What are you capable of? Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Daily Outlook

I would have to say that staying organized is such a high priority. What I am learning about personal training is that we work when normal business people need us to. Before work, on lunch breaks, and in the evening after the normal work day is finished. This has thrown my schedule all over the place. The past three days I've had my normal morning shift followed by a huge gap, followed again by a session or two late in the evening, only to get home after everyone else, and be out the door first the next morning. I don't mind because I know I will have a hectic month or two before I get to a stable schedule I'm used to with regular clients. That said, it is important for me to know when I need to be there, when I can work out personally, and when I can plan for the next session. I've been keeping a weekly outlook calendar on my clipboard, filling in blanks for the day, then scribbling in where necessary. I make changes daily and sync with my phone as well so I get reminders. I guess my fear is that I will forget or miss something, and I am planning for that to NEVER happen! I just wanted to share my technique for staying on top of things. Please share! What is your method? Tell us about your schedule and how you stay on top of things! Any other insights will help myself and all of the readers! Thanks! Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

There Is No Late

Yesterday I planned to work a wellness expo at the ADA with my Assistant General Manager. I was excited to do the event, especially since it would break up the monotony of walking around straightening weights and tidying up the gym. Further, it was an opportunity to sharpen my presentation and sales skills, and work with my AGM and learn more from him. Of course, it was "that morning" where I was running pretty close to "on time" and I should have had some time to spare getting in to the gym. The plan was to meet at 8, then head to the event down the street. That means, be ready by 8. During my commute, I need to switch trains at Belmont to catch the red line, and usually it's pretty much clockwork on any given weekday morning. As I walked out onto the platform, I noticed more people than usual waiting. After a good 5-10 minutes or so, a voice came over the speaker telling us of a mechanical problem the train was experiencing. Great. That day. A few more minutes passed and a crowded train finally pulled up. I forced my way on and had a spot near the door. We approached my stop at about 5 minutes to 8, and it takes a little longer than that to make the walk, so I ended up strolling in a minute past the hour, rushed down to change shoes and gather what I needed. I headed upstairs at around 9 after 8, and Don wasn't pleased. "Why are you late?" I really wanted to explain, but he stopped me. "There is no late."

The event went pretty well, and we were actually on time for the event. The point is that many of us find ourselves in these situations where we could realistically blame outside factors for tardiness. It is when we realize that we should plan for these things as if they are certain they will happen so we can avoid them. Does this mean that we'll be early most of the time? Probably, but to quote one of my old managers, "To be early is to be on time, and to be on time is to be late." Think about that regarding the time you plan to get up, when you plan to pick someone up, or really, any schedule that you try to keep. Are you prioritizing and holding these events to a high enough importance that you prepare well enough? If you are just "on time" then you're missing the boat. In any event, things happen. Don't get frustrated. Rather, accept that you are late, breathe it out, and do your job. It's much more important you clear your head and do your best rather than dwell on the fact that you are late and let it ruin your day. Control what you can control. That said, pretty much the only thing we have any control over is our own attitude. Realize this, and snap yourself back into a positive mental attitude. Be early today, and thanks for reading!

Monday, August 9, 2010


This past weekend was quiet. Not in the sense that I had nothing to do--believe me there aren't enough hours in the day to catch up on everything. Jasmine, however, was enjoying her time with her best friend, Michelle, at Lollapalooza so it was, indeed, much quieter here at home. I did get ample office work accomplished, but I got to take a much needed break by checking out "Inception" with my brother-in-law Victor yesterday. I thought it was brilliant and fascinating, and I really got lost in it. If you haven't seen it or aren't familiar with it, click on the title to this blog and link to the official movie site. Anyway, much of it had to do with dreams and about what we feel is real and what's not. My favorite quote from the movie would have to be:
"True inspiration is impossible to fake."
They were discussing implanting an idea into a subject's mind, but by doing so, the subject would have to come to the realization or be inspired by his own thoughts. He could be led there, but he would have to create the idea.

I appreciate this idea so much because it's exactly what I try to do with health and fitness. Even when people say that I have motivated or inspired them, it's not really me and my story. Yes, it can be powerful to see me now if you'd known me 75 lbs ago, but it's the thoughts that enter your mind about your belief in yourself and what you can do that really do it for you. Once you see the possibilities of what you can do, (in health and everything else for that matter), and you desire to take the steps needed to get there, you can focus and make it happen. "True inspiration", effectively, is what does it. Your mind can create for you a future reality, and you can follow through. So don't be afraid to dream--actually, I encourage you to envision yourself as you want to be, then strive to learn more about how that version of yourself would feel, act, behave, know, etc, and simply pursue those things until you have embodied your inspired version of yourself. Listen, I know this is a heady blog, but Inception was a heady movie! Lol! Seriously, though, YOU are the most important person you know, and only YOU have the power to change and/or improve yourself and your future. Be a dreamer this week! Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lead By Example

I'm getting more and more acclimated at work with the gym, its members, and my fellow trainers and staff. I've started making a few friends and I'm constantly learning from other trainers and my management/leadership staff. Yesterday a few cool things happened. Last week, I met a member that appeared to be a runner, and we ended up discussing running and events for a while. Yesterday, he came in and I greeted him "good morning". He asked me if I had started training people, and I told him yes and that I even had a few clients. He then explained that his usual trainer was out of town and that he, himself is leaving so he won't be able to get in a session, and he asked if I would train him for an impromptu core/strength workout on Monday! Awesome! That was the beginning of my day, and the rest of the day was a breeze as well. At the end of my shift, I got a chance to talk a bit with Dennis, a veteran trainer well versed in strength, power, and martial arts, which is awesome. When I first started, his presence was a bit intimidating, but I realized he was just observing a bit. That said, I tried to stay out of his way while watching and learning how he handled his clients. He is very successful, and even has had some regular clients for over 6 years! He discussed with me that I am doing some of the right things and that the payoff will come in relationship building. He also gave me valuable insight as to the community we serve and the clientele at our gym. One thing that he told me was that the clients "want to be like you...that's why they opt to train..." Makes sense. We are living an examples of fit, healthy, and active individuals, and each trainer has his/her own unique skill set and personality. People really respond to that, and as I've witnessed, the clients really do enjoy being challenged and participating in the training that his/her actual trainer practices him/herself, which is cool.

I wanted to share a bit of my experiences so far, but this is also a great example of why you need to be healthy and fit. Surely, you all have people that look up to you and care about you, whether you recognize it or not. Your children, spouse, family, friends, and co-workers are observing your behavior and attitude, and some will follow your lead. It is very important that you set a good, positive, healthy example for others, and they will begin doing some of the things you do. An active lifestyle is addictive, and people want to be positive and energetic, and if you embody that, then they, too will follow. Think about this when you are working out, performing at your job/career, or even interacting with others. What example are you setting? Would you want to follow someone like you or someone else? Why? You have a chance to do better than just serving yourself. I encourage all of you to set a great example for the benefit of others, and you will be more satisfied and rewarded in you own life because of it. Have a great weekend and thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hippy Milk

In my quest to now find alternatives for unfermented soy and refined/processed soy products because of my evolution and education, I examined various products at the supermarket to be a milk replacement. Oh I loved the taste of vanilla soy milk, but those days are done. (for more insight please check out my blog "No Joy Soy?"). Examining a few labels, I decided to try organic almond milk, which was low calorie and seemed a tasty alternative. I also chose to try Tempt, which is milk made from hemp seeds and claiming benefits of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids as well as fully digestible protein. Still low-calorie, and it seemed a better choice than rice milk, which seemed higher in calories and carbohydrate than I would have liked. The almond milk didn't taste bad at all, however it seemed to have no body to it, and I used over a half-cup of it in my coffee, so I figured it wouldn't be economical. I tried the hemp milk, which is also low-calorie, but the calories come from the unsaturated fats, so it did have a bit more body. According to my nutrient tracking, I'm not getting all the fat I need to prevent injury and cellular repair, so a bit more from this source is fine with me! The hemp milk does have a slightly odd flavor, but there are great benefits, and I will surely get the hang of it! Click the title to this blog and follow the link to find out more about the benefits of hemp seeds and hemp milk! Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for reading!

Friday, August 6, 2010

People Business

What business are you in? Sales? Hospitality? Financial? Fitness? The list surely goes on. If your industry is the first thing that comes to mind, back up a bit. Let me ask you this--do you work with people? Do you have clients? Do you work on a team? Do you need to interact at all with others as part of your job? Do you need to communicate with other people to buy services or get information? If not, do you sit at home and work on your computer building websites or working on applications (that other people will eventually use and/or benefit from)? In any case, consider yourself in the "people business" first and foremost, and go from there. Often times we lose sight of what we are making money doing in the first place--serving others. In some way, shape, or form, we all are working to help other people accomplish certain goals, and they, in turn, are helping us accomplish different ones. Think about it. If you are a banker, you are buying your lunch from the very same people that have checking accounts with your bank. So effectively, both of you are serving each other.

As a trainer, I have the opportunity to help people to function and improve upon strengths, correct weaknesses/imbalances, and help them perform better physically, which, more importantly, will help their mindset and most likely improve their performance in their own job/career so that they can help their clients and employers better. It's a domino effect, and I'm happy to be part of it. Think for a moment the people that you deal with as clients, your co-workers, and the people that they effect. How do you help to improve the quality of their lives? How do they effect you and improve yours? How many people do you indirectly effect by being good at what you do and attentive to the needs of others? I'm sure it's quite a few. So think about that when you are finding it hard to get motivated or seem forced to do something you might not want to. Look for the benefits you or your service provides to others, and get excited for the opportunity to help others!

Yesterday I had the chance to introduce a customized fitness program to a new client. Afterwards, he told me, "I'm discouraged by all the stuff I can't do..." I told him, "Don't be! Instead, be excited and encouraged about all the things you'll be able to do in the future!" Like Tony Horton says, "Don't say, 'I can't', rather say 'currently I struggle with...'" It's all about your mindset peeps. You can do it, and other people depend on you! Happy Friday everyone, and thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Spark of Support

A while back I signed up on, a site with many tracking and support tools similar to beachbody but a bit different. I signed up to use a tool to figure out the nutritionals in a recipe. Anyway, since then I've been receiving a newsletter in my email which shares info, tips, and there is often an article written by a member. I try to read as much as I can, and today I saw one that was very inspiring and reminded me of my actual experiences now. I responded and ended up spending the last 45 minutes or so modifying my profile page so that I may have yet another presence on the web to help even more people, and learn more on the way as well. As many of you know, I am building my business as a personal trainer at Equinox. While I am starting up, I have conducted a handful of fitness assessments and done a couple complimentary personal training sessions as well. I really do care that people invest in personal training, because I believe I can help them reach their goals. I think, however, that a few have gotten shaken by the price of training and have been discouraged. Still, I told them that I would be willing to design a program to fit their needs that also works around their budgets, and that I will do my best to support them. Additionally, even if they don't pick up training, I am here for support, as I am for all of you, and whoever I come in contact with, really! Click on the title to this blog to check out my "spark page" and also explore spark people. Get inspired, and utilize what is available to you on the web. Whether it be in the gym, on my team at, or independently, I want you to know I'm here to help, and I know how hard it is. Support is what holds your table up so you can eat dinner, and support is what will help you succeed! Thanks for reading everyone!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Out With Gout

One of the people I've been working with recently sent me a picture text and a message telling me he wasn't going to make it to the gym for our scheduled consultation. Initially, he thought he had sprained his ankle. As it turns out, his doctor diagnosed him as having gout. Gout is an arthritic attack on a joint, caused by having too much uric acid around the joint and inflaming the area. It is a painful condition, and though the exact causes aren't absolutely certain due to the fact that people can have excess uric acid build-up in their bodies without acquiring gout, there are certainly flags to look for and preventative measures as well. First, gout tends to occur more in people with obesity (which is most likely in this case) and also stems from poor dietary choices. Therefore, taking control of your health by regular exercise and a healthy diet will be the key. Rapid weight loss may contribute, so be mindful if you are experiencing any complications by losing weight rapidly in an unhealthy manner, i.e. fad dieting, pills, etc. I would recommend avoiding processed meats such as deli ham, turkey, bacon, sausage, etc, as these have various processing chemicals and higher amounts of sodium. Substitute with lean chicken breast, fish, and moderate your animal protein intake. Contrary to popular belief, we don't need to eat meat, and certainly not every meal every day! Make sure you are eating plenty of fresh vegetables including green, leafy vegetables. Make more salads, and make your grains whole grains! Those are some general diet tips. If you have gout or are working to lose over 50 pounds, consult with your doctor as to the best course of action, and have him/her call me (or your trainer) to coordinate a healthy plan for you. Read more about gout by clicking on the title to this blog post, and please add comments of your experience(s) and knowledge to help us all out. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

On Top of Things

Well, I'm into week 3 already at the gym, and things are starting to ramp up. I've gotten some fitness  assessment appointments from new members as well as one or two incidental people I've met on the floor. I am developing my understanding of my role, and how exactly it will be when I am "full-time". I'll basically be working when other people are not. People come to the gym before, after, and on their lunch breaks from their daily jobs, and that's completely fine with me. I feel as long as I have my laptop I'll be able to get in some office work in between, and I've already started to bring it on a few days, including today. Yesterday was exceptionally long because I had an appointment at 6AM followed by my floor shift double. I could have gotten off at 3, but I scheduled another appointment at 7PM so I didn't end up getting home until around 9:30! Wow it was a long day. Good thing, though, that the floor shifts--the whole job really, is flexible in that I could reschedule today in order to get in some much needed sleep and rest. What I've been doing to stay on top of things is keeping an updated outlook weekly calendar with shifts, appointments, meetings, and even my own workouts. I am scratching in things that I schedule, taking notes, then re-printing a fresh one each morning with the necessary changes in place. I really must place organization on the top of my list in order to remain successful and professional. I know this blog was more about my experience with my new job so far, but please--post your methods for staying on top of things and how you keep organized in a chaotic and ever-changing work atmosphere! It will help me and others! Thanks, and have a great day everyone! Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tone Easier

Yesterday after church, my mother-in-law and I stopped into Famous Footwear. She needed some shoes and accessories, and I wanted to browse around the running shoe area and try some stuff on. Some innovative and stylish shoes by Reebok caught my eye. "Easy Tone" technology by Reebok places two air pods on the bottom of the walking/training shoe to create instability. The idea is to mimic the same idea that training on a bosu or balance ball would, and apply that to your every day routine to help strengthen your butt, hamstrings, and calves. I also checked out some Run Tone shoes, which are also by Reebok but designed for running. Similar to the Easy Tones, Run Tones create imbalances by placing soft air pods on the soles of the shoe. The runners differ by housing more of these pods so your run feels more like you are running on sand. I am intrigued by this technology, and when my budget dictates, I'd love to pick up a pair and integrate them into my run. There are so many technologies for walking and running these days, and I encourage you to explore and look into the technology that may be best suited for what you are doing. From a seemingly barefoot feel (Nike Free, Vibram Barefoot Technology, etc) to an unstable but cushioned shoe (Easy Tone, Shape-Ups, etc), there is a wider and wider array these days. Please chime in and comment if you use an innovative footwear technology and the pluses and minuses so we can get real feedback. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mary and Martha

I was happy to get in to church for service this morning. Things really have been crazy on the weekends, and I've been playing catch-up with myself, so I felt I could fit it in today, and I needed it. As with other daily activities, there is always something to learn and a relevant message to apply to my life and present situation. Today's lesson, taken from Luke in the New Testament reads as follows:
38Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.    39And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word.
   40But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.
   41And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:
   42But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
 For me and for most of you, this is very relevant. One way to take this story is to realize we are like Mary at times and at other times we resemble Martha. At times we can get caught up and anxious about tasks and preparations and other events in our lives that we don't take the time to be focused on the moment, and the importance of now. It is the time we spend on now, essentially what we can do today that will help us lead into the worries and events of tomorrow anyway, right? What is truly important? What can we do today that will help us learn more and be sharper tomorrow? If we are so focused about the tasks involved in serving or worried about what steps need to be taken to achieve an outcome, the actual event is missed! My mother-in-law and I were discussing how at times when we have family and guests over we are so worried about cooking and preparing, even while guests are present that we miss much of the time we have to spend with the people we care about and were preparing for in the first place. Think about it. Do you find yourself anxious and caught up in tasks at times too much so that you miss out on what's really important? What is important to you right now? Focus on that, and trust in the Lord as your guide, and your life will improve. I plan to do my best to clear my own head and focus on the "now". Enjoy the rest of your weekend, peeps, and feel free to chime in with your own thoughts and feelings regarding this story and/or stories of your own! Thanks for reading!