My head's really spinnin' now! My friend Jenny recently responded to the last blog regarding soy and the possible health implications consuming it may have. I mentioned that I might just try to revert back to regular milk, and she recommended I read a section in the book, "Skinny Bitch" by Rory Freedman. The section discusses some of the things we know about industrialized animal products and the harmful toxins we absorb by consuming it. Partly from what we feed the cows, but also due to the damage caused by clamps on the udders and the unclean, immoral conditions we house the animals in. Bottom line is consuming dairy and drinking milk can lead to health issues. The other obvious thing is that we are utilizing the product that nourishes baby cows during their childhood. It is kinda weird if you think about it. Anyways, that's a whole story in itself, and I don't care to elaborate any more. So milk is bad. Unfermented soy products like soy milk can be harmful. Although we try to get away from processed foods, maybe a processed alternative is still better, such as rice milk or almond milk? I haven't looked into these yet, so please chime in with a comment or suggestion about either or both of these please!
Today for breakfast I sauteed some fresh vegetables and sliced up around 6 ounces of tofu and sauteed that in the residual olive oil leftover. I enjoyed that between slices of toasted 100% whole wheat sourdough, which was great. I didn't use any animal products, and the tofu actually was great. It was soft and had a fried-egg type of texture, and overall it was a great meal. I even had my coffee black, which wasn't silky like I'm used to with the soy milk, but I'm tryin'! Am I evolving into a vegan? I don't think so. I am, however, striving to do the best I can without going "udderly insane"! So that's really the bottom line here, peeps. Do the best you can, keep learning, and make your own decisions based on your knowledge about health, what your economic status allows for, and convenience. And keep exercising regularly to be the healthiest you can--not just for you, but more importantly, for the people who care about you and need you around to give them support! Have a great weekend, everyone, and thanks for reading!
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Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
No Joy Soy?
For a while now I've been enjoying organic soy milk in my coffee, shakes, healthy dessert breads, muesli, and in a few other applications to substitute for skim milk. I started drinking soy to get away from some of the lactose in my diet and liked the taste and texture and also the extra protein. Also I have been using organic to get away from the "Round-Up Ready" soy bean fiasco. (Watch "Food Inc." if you don't have any idea what I'm talking about). Anyway, a friend recently commented on this aspect of soy, and I thought I'd elaborate more in other areas.
According to some info from Michael Pollan's book "In Defense of Food", cultural preparations of various foods and food pairings have more to do with our diet, health, and digestion than scientific numbers and theories. There was some interesting info on soy and some of the implications, and here is how the actual text reads:
Again, I'm still learning more and more as my diet and understanding of health evolves, and I'm no expert. Please comment and put your two cents in regarding this topic as I'm sure more insight will help all of us. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
According to some info from Michael Pollan's book "In Defense of Food", cultural preparations of various foods and food pairings have more to do with our diet, health, and digestion than scientific numbers and theories. There was some interesting info on soy and some of the implications, and here is how the actual text reads:
"The context in which a food is eaten can be nearly as important as the food itself. The ancient Asian practice of fermenting soybeans and eating soy in the form of curds called tofu makes a healthy diet from a plant that eaten almost any other way would make people ill. The soybean itself...contains a whole assortment of "antinutrients"--compounds that actually block the body's absorption of vitamins and minerals, interfere with the hormonal system, and prevent the body from breaking down the proteins in the soy itself."Wow. I thought I was doing my body good when I actually might be doing more harm. Who knows? What's certain is that soy products are more a result of the agriculture industry pushing products made from a bean that they have a surplus of than a result of the pursuit of healthy alternatives. Also, it is a processed product, and I might be better off with a little lactose from the milk of an actual animal (preferably a pasture and farm-raised cow instead of one confined in a milk factory) than even almond milk or any other alternative. There are also some implications for hormonal imbalances and possible health risks! Is it as bad as smoking? No most likely not, but even so, do we want to take chances? I'm no expert, but here's more info from the same book on that:
"Soy isoflavones, found in most soy products, are compounds that resemble estrogen, and in fact bind to human estrogen is unclear whether these so-called phytoestrogens actually behave like estrogen in the body or only fool it into thinking they're estrogen. Either way the phytoestrogens might have an effect (good or bad) on the growth of certain cancers, the symptoms of menopause, and the function of the endocrine system...the FDA has declined to grand GRAS ("generally regarded as safe") status to soy...a senior scientist at the FDA's National Center for Toxicological Research wrote, 'Confidence that soy products are safe is clearly based more on belief than hard data.'"
Again, I'm still learning more and more as my diet and understanding of health evolves, and I'm no expert. Please comment and put your two cents in regarding this topic as I'm sure more insight will help all of us. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Bedtime Stories
With all the excitement in my life and all of the tasks and "to-do's" for the next day, I have been finding it hard to get to sleep when I crawl into bed. This is especially the case on nights where I try to get to sleep between 8 and 8:30 so I can wake up at 3am fresh the next morning. I have employed the use of a sleep mask, which is awesome although my eyes have been a bit itchy in the mornings. Although I can easily shut off the lights, it is still hard to shut off my mind or even slow it down as it races through thoughts. I have found a solution! Sometimes the simplest, most elemental things from our childhood can still carry over into adult life. There was often nothing more settling than my mom telling or reading me a story as I lay in bed. Although I can't duplicate the soft, gentle touch of my mother's hand on my brow, I have been listening to an audiobook story each night through my iphone's ear buds as I lie in bed and relax. I focus on the words of the story and try to paint a picture of what is going on in my mind. All of the focus is in the story, so my own worries and thoughts fade away. I don't think I get very far as I find the next evening I have to start in almost the same spot from the night before. Good. At some point in the night I wake up and stop playback and can easily fall back to sleep.
I've been listening to "Buddha" by Deepak Chopra and narrated by Deepak Chopra. He tells the story very well as he should since he wrote the book! The descriptions are very detailed, and this is a story of the Buddha's life. I'm only in his childhood and will probably be there for a great while, but so far I am enjoying the story. Audiobooks are a great way to enjoy a story since they are narrated and all you have to do is listen. I listen to motivational audiobooks as well, but I'm trying to keep it more relaxing near bedtime. If you're having trouble getting to bed, I encourage you to listen to a story and envision it in your mind as you fall off to sleep. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
I've been listening to "Buddha" by Deepak Chopra and narrated by Deepak Chopra. He tells the story very well as he should since he wrote the book! The descriptions are very detailed, and this is a story of the Buddha's life. I'm only in his childhood and will probably be there for a great while, but so far I am enjoying the story. Audiobooks are a great way to enjoy a story since they are narrated and all you have to do is listen. I listen to motivational audiobooks as well, but I'm trying to keep it more relaxing near bedtime. If you're having trouble getting to bed, I encourage you to listen to a story and envision it in your mind as you fall off to sleep. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Stuff Happens
Last night my wife informed me she had a horrible day at work. She is a nurse, and often times the job gets messy and stressful. She had to change her scrubs because at one point she got feces on hers. Gross! Anyway, somewhere in the shuffle either related or unrelated to that event, she lost her iphone! Wow, what a crazy concept! I couldn't imagine losing all of my contacts, notes, music, audiobooks, not to mention all the applications!
She speculated as to who may have taken the phone, where it was, etc, and we all do this from time to time. It is easy to look around the room and point out others who may have wronged you or just to take the weight of an event like this off your own shoulders. The plain and simple reality is - stuff happens. We have little or no control over anything outside of ourselves. It doesn't pay to beat yourself up, speculate, or point blame at others for any reason, however appropriate it may seem. The one thing that we do have control over is our attitude. One of my favorite quotes has to be:
So true. We all are faced with obstacles and hardships, and we all have our share of good fortune as well. It's more about how we deal with the things that happen than the actual occurrences themselves. So please pray that someone finds my wife's phone, I will pray for good fortune for all of you, but remember to stay positive and play the best hand you can from the cards you are given. Have a great day, and thanks for reading!
She speculated as to who may have taken the phone, where it was, etc, and we all do this from time to time. It is easy to look around the room and point out others who may have wronged you or just to take the weight of an event like this off your own shoulders. The plain and simple reality is - stuff happens. We have little or no control over anything outside of ourselves. It doesn't pay to beat yourself up, speculate, or point blame at others for any reason, however appropriate it may seem. The one thing that we do have control over is our attitude. One of my favorite quotes has to be:
"...It's not the blowing of the wind that determines our destination, but the set of the sail." -Jim Rone
So true. We all are faced with obstacles and hardships, and we all have our share of good fortune as well. It's more about how we deal with the things that happen than the actual occurrences themselves. So please pray that someone finds my wife's phone, I will pray for good fortune for all of you, but remember to stay positive and play the best hand you can from the cards you are given. Have a great day, and thanks for reading!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Just Be There
I am in week 2 of my career as a personal trainer, and it's awesome! For now I am still focused on mastering knowledge, techniques, and I'm also meeting many members and getting to know trainers as well. Mainly I have been "on the floor" which means I am keeping the gym "picture perfect" by aligning weights, maintaining cleanliness, passing out towels, and just "being there". That's exactly what my manager had told me I needed to do to be successful. As simple as it sounds, it's true. Through the great leadership, I've already gotten comfortable with the fitness assessment which is the first step when dealing with a new client. I've done two of them already for potential clients and they went really well! I am already developing programs for my new clients and hope to help them with there results very soon! Both clients were the result of me just "being there" and being attentive to the clients' needs.
Just "being there" is as simple as it sounds, and it definitely carries over into other areas. For example, to get fitness results, people have the hardest time with the easiest task: showing up. But if you show up and just do the activities planned, you will find you will gain the motivation to continue and often you will perform extremely well. And you will get results. At your job, half the battle is just getting to work, right? You know what your role is, so all you need to do is get your butt to the office, restaurant, construction site, or wherever else you work and then it's just about your routine and being productive, which may actually seem autonomous after a while, right? So, if you can do this in your work life, you can surely "be there" for yourself. Next time you feel like you want to stop exercising or you want to eat unhealthily more than a treat here and there, "be there" for yourself and remind yourself that your being able to show up and be responsible for your attendance will pay off. Be there physically, mentally, and spiritually, and you will...get there! I'm here for you, too! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
Just "being there" is as simple as it sounds, and it definitely carries over into other areas. For example, to get fitness results, people have the hardest time with the easiest task: showing up. But if you show up and just do the activities planned, you will find you will gain the motivation to continue and often you will perform extremely well. And you will get results. At your job, half the battle is just getting to work, right? You know what your role is, so all you need to do is get your butt to the office, restaurant, construction site, or wherever else you work and then it's just about your routine and being productive, which may actually seem autonomous after a while, right? So, if you can do this in your work life, you can surely "be there" for yourself. Next time you feel like you want to stop exercising or you want to eat unhealthily more than a treat here and there, "be there" for yourself and remind yourself that your being able to show up and be responsible for your attendance will pay off. Be there physically, mentally, and spiritually, and you will...get there! I'm here for you, too! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Real Food
At my previous job, someone asked me once, "Do you ever eat real food?" This was a hilarious question to me because I guess he was referring to "real food" as the food that has become the norm in Chicago and our nation. Foods such as pastas, burgers, pizza, etc. Also, he was most likely referring to animal proteins since he noticed I never have meat on my menu. My mother-in-law and I have developed a tabbouleh recipe that contains toasted whole wheat soaked in water so that the grains puff and soften. We then add an arsenal of fresh chopped vegetables including carrots, bell pepper, jalapeno pepper, jicama, sundried tomato, and others as we feel inclined. We add in some salt, pepper, chopped herbs, cumin seed, extra virgin olive oil, white wine vinegar and lemon juice, and it's money! I've been making a fruit medley that varies but contains some or all of the following: watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew, pineapple, grapes, cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and/or raspberries. I eat this in addition to the tabbouleh for lunch usually, and I've been warming up two boca burger patties for protein. Now, I realize that boca burgers are a processed food, but they are some great bang-for-your buck as far as protein is concerned. 1 gram of fat and 18 grams of protein, I believe. That's equivalent to a tuna or mahi filet which is great, and they are affordable as well. I have to factor in the convenience of the product as well. All in all, a lunch like this vs a lunch of pasta, factory farmed chicken breast, and a processed cheese sauce...there's no contest and no question as to what the "real food" is here. The more "whole" the food, the better! Whole grains, whole fruit, whole fresh vegetables, herbs, and washed down with water...can't get any realer. Yesterday I had a chance to spend some time with my wife and we visited the farmers market where my cousin sells cuts of local farm-raised chickens, beef, and pork. These are meats from animals who have lived a comfortable, natural life eating foods they were meant to eat and not pumped with antibiotics, growth hormones, or anything else that we wouldn't find appetizing as consumers. It's amazing what we as people will eat because it's affordable and has become the norm. I've mentioned it before, but you owe it to yourself to watch the documentary "Food Inc." and/or read the book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan. Besides my cousin, there are local farmers selling great vegetables, fruits, cheeses, hand-made breads, and other good things. I picked up some corn-on-the-cob and we grilled it up last night along with some tandoori-style catfish and grilled zucchini, broccoli, and sweet peppers. What an amazing dinner it was! The corn needed nothing as the wonderful, sweet, natural flavor was plenty to satisfy. And obviously, corn is 100% whole grain! Time to learn more about "real food" and I encourage all of you to do some of your own research as well. Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Brighter Day
Thanks to your support and prayers yesterday. The threat for flooding was imminent as the river was the highest its been in almost 2 years, and we were worried. Magically, the rain subsided and the sun came out. I checked on the future forecast on the weather channel site and it looked completely clear for the rest of the day. I went to work, and it was a wonderful day! I met some new gym members and had plenty to do on the floor. I might even have another personal training client before the end of the month. I completed my first official Equifit, a fitness assessment that encompasses a questionnaire, measurements, and movement and cardio tests. It is important to know where one is starting from in order to create a plan to get to where one is going. Anyway, that went well, and I enjoyed the process. My client learned a lot, and I am confident I can help him get results! You know what, people, it really is simple. If you are willing to work hard, show up, and follow directions, you can succeed. Again, it's not easy, but it is simple.
This morning I got up and looked outside to see the river has gone down quite a bit, and the sun is still shinin! Praise God! I tried to sleep in, but the excitement for a dry day spent with family after a long week is overwhelming! Jasmine, Lola, and I are off to the beach for some early mornin' beach fun and a mimosa or two to boot! Have a fun, dry, Sunday everyone, and thanks for reading!
This morning I got up and looked outside to see the river has gone down quite a bit, and the sun is still shinin! Praise God! I tried to sleep in, but the excitement for a dry day spent with family after a long week is overwhelming! Jasmine, Lola, and I are off to the beach for some early mornin' beach fun and a mimosa or two to boot! Have a fun, dry, Sunday everyone, and thanks for reading!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Prepare For The Worst
I believe one of the smartest philosophies is, "Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best." I can also say that I've not always done this myself, but I still try. This comes to mind because it's been storming all night, and some of our (mine, my family, and my neighbors) worst fears seem very close to becoming a reality once again. The river is the highest it's been since the flood, including scares in December of last year and one or two other times. It's just about up to the sandbags that have been making their home along the border between my property and the gate that separates the river. Scary stuff. That said, I must try to remain calm, positive, and strong, and keep preparing for the worst. I have prayed, and I am asking you who are reading this to pray for us as well. The craziest storms seem to have been overnight although it is still raining, and the flood watch does not end officially until 4pm. I have alerted my gym that I would be late, and I will continue to prepare both physically and mentally for the worst possible scenario. I sincerely hope and pray for not only myself and my family, but for those who are already experiencing flooding, for my neighbors, and for all those nationally seeing any kind of hardships. It's important to always put your situation into perspective. Can I afford to deal with another flood? No. Not hardly. But I will count the blessings that I do have as I have much to be thankful for. Ok, gotta go continue preparing. Pray for us. Thanks for reading everyone!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Love Your Job
It's safe to say that most of us have good and bad days at work, right? Do any of you hate your job? Why? You can't control many aspects of your job, but always keep in mind that at some point, you applied for the job, and there was some level of excitement when you were hired on and began learning your position. Also, re-think, "why am I working here?" Now, it could be that it's a job you were qualified for, your career, or a stepping stone onto something bigger. Whatever the case, there are many underlying reasons. If you have a family, for instance, you should learn to be proficient in your job and learn to love it because the money that you bring home is used to support your family, and you should feel responsible and satisfied that you are able to do this. If you are doing this job now but know that it will lead to something greater down the road, then smile when you work because you should be happy you have a long-term goal in mind, and take advantage of all of the experiences that come with any daily routine, and learn from everyone you can by observation and directly as well. If you have no reason to keep working, then I suggest you find something you love to do and figure out how to get a job doing it. There's no better way to live! In the book I am reading now (actually I'm listening to the audiobook) "Success With a Positive Mental Attitude" there is a chapter devoted to this concept. There is one story of a woman who had a goal to visit China, and she had a 6 year timeframe. She was a housewife, and she made her time worthwhile by studying about Chinese culture, shopping and cooking foods that her and her family would be eating while in China, and sharing what she learned at dinner. She used her cleaning time as time to think and plan, and nothing she did was boring. That's one example. How can you apply similar principles in your life? What are your goals? What would you like to learn about? It's as simple as listening to an audiobook on the train or in your car on the way to work or even learning more about the industry you are in, your competitors, and how to be better at what you do. Proficiency in your job will lead to more success, which will undoubtedly make you happier. Anyway, brainstorm, and don't take any day for granted, especially in this economy. I hope this blog inspires some ideas for you and you finish the week strong. Happy Friday, everyone, and thanks for reading!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
New Look, Same Great Taste
It was time for a new look. Since I started my new career as a personal trainer, I figured it was time to clean up how this blog looks. Everything's in the same place, but I eliminated the ads and went with a more modern monochrome and simpler format. Before, the abundance of ads and different colors seemed a bit scattered and there was a lot going on. Now things have been simplified, and there are fewer things going on so we can focus on the content more. Art imitates life. Since I have cleaned up my focus in my career and personal life, many things are clearer and seem simpler. It's time for me to focus more about content in fewer areas then bits and pieces everywhere.
Another question is this: home fitness or personal training? Actually, the more I learn, the more I realize that multiple aspects of fitness and nutrition are necessary. Just as supplements and meal replacements are valuable for supplementing a regular, healthy diet, video programs and gym classes are valuable tools to supplement your normal regimen of personal training and the program and assignments developed by your personal trainer. I am a product of home fitness and home fitness programs so I do believe in the power that they have, however I also realize that the personal attention and expertise from a personal trainer is necessary and invaluable. Personal trainers also use other personal trainers for their own development. There are infinite things to learn and infinite combinations of issues, schedules, goals, and obstacles that makes every situation different. Please contact me for more information on personal training, nutrition, home fitness, and even personal development books and audio, which are essential for improving your life overall. Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!
Another question is this: home fitness or personal training? Actually, the more I learn, the more I realize that multiple aspects of fitness and nutrition are necessary. Just as supplements and meal replacements are valuable for supplementing a regular, healthy diet, video programs and gym classes are valuable tools to supplement your normal regimen of personal training and the program and assignments developed by your personal trainer. I am a product of home fitness and home fitness programs so I do believe in the power that they have, however I also realize that the personal attention and expertise from a personal trainer is necessary and invaluable. Personal trainers also use other personal trainers for their own development. There are infinite things to learn and infinite combinations of issues, schedules, goals, and obstacles that makes every situation different. Please contact me for more information on personal training, nutrition, home fitness, and even personal development books and audio, which are essential for improving your life overall. Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Fruity Summer
Summer has been great so far. It's been nice and hot, sunny, and there has been a lot of great seasonal foods to enjoy. Over the past month or so, I've been getting into creating fresh fruit medleys, and have been enjoying fruit as snacks and to complement lunch and dinner meals. What I've been doing is substituting much of the complex carbohydrates that I was eating (granola bar, bread, grain pilaf, etc) with fresh fruit. A lot of produce is in season, and there has been so much to choose from. It doesn't take much, and I encourage you to pick up some fruits and berries and combine them into a batch of fruit medley. Eat at home or pack and take to work. Replace your usual snacks with fruit, and you will surely feel better and will be getting great fiber, nutrients, and the sugar you will take in is straight from nature, and is a great way to enjoy the summer. When you are out in the heat, you won't feel that nasty weighed down feeling from fried and unhealthy snacks. There are endless possibilities, so be creative and enjoy! Here's an example of a recent medley that we made:
Seedless watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew melon, raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple, red grapes, bing cherries (which I pitted)
Yum! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
Seedless watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew melon, raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple, red grapes, bing cherries (which I pitted)
Yum! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
If The Man Is Right, The World Is Right
A couple days ago, I decided to pick up a new audiobook, "Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude". I highly suggest either the audiobook or regular book, whichever is better for you. I am getting into audiobooks because they are easy to incorporate into itunes and listen during work commutes. Self-development and improvement is essential, and we must always keep learning. This book contains guidance to exactly what the title states, and there is a story I'd like to share from it. Please read this story, get inspired, then check out the audiobook at!
One Saturday, a minister was trying to finish writing his sermon under difficult conditions. His wife was out shopping, it was a rainy day, and his son was restless and bored with nothing to do. Finally, the minister picked up an old magazine, thumbed through it, and found a brightly colored page with a map of the world on it. He tore out the page, tore it into bits, and threw the bits all over the living room floor. "Johnny, if you can put this all together, I'll give you a quarter." He thought this ought to keep Johnny busy for a long time. But after just 10 minutes, there was a knock on his study door. The minister was amazed to see the pieces of paper neatly put together and the map of the world exactly as it had been. "Son, how did you put that back together so quickly?" the minister asked. "Oh," said Johnny, "it was easy. On the other side of the page was a picture of a man. I just put a piece of paper down, put the picture of the man together, put another piece of paper over it, and flipped it over. I just figured if I got the man right, the world would be right." The man smiled and gave his son a quarter. "And you've just given me my sermon for tomorrow."If the man is right, his world will be right. Have a great, positive day and thanks for reading!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Dark And Early
Well, today is day one of my official "floor shifts" at the gym. The weekly schedule for me will be much different as I will be working some mornings, some mid-day, and some evening shifts to get a feel for the gym's members and business. Monday and Tuesday I am scheduled starting at 6 so today I got up a little after 3. I like to give myself a little time to get ready, have my Shakeology, and write a blog among other activities. I just feel more comfortable not rushing. I realize it's so early that the sun hasn't even come out yet. But like any successful person, I must do what I have to do now to do all the things I want to do later, and I must strive to maintain a positive mental attitude. It wasn't hard to get up. I'm very excited for things to come, and I feel that every day will present a new challenge and it is my duty to face and overcome any obstacles to reach my goal. After all, that's what I'm going to get paid to do--help people overcome their obstacles to reach their goals. What a great opportunity to empower others!
Anyway, what challenges do you face on a daily basis? Monthly? Annually? Think about today and what small adjustments you might make to improve. Also, when faced with adversity, maintain a positive mental attitude and think about what you can do to battle through and reach your desired goal. The only limits that exist are the ones created in our own minds. Reach for the stars people...whether morning or night stars! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
Anyway, what challenges do you face on a daily basis? Monthly? Annually? Think about today and what small adjustments you might make to improve. Also, when faced with adversity, maintain a positive mental attitude and think about what you can do to battle through and reach your desired goal. The only limits that exist are the ones created in our own minds. Reach for the stars people...whether morning or night stars! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Programming Language
My brother-in-law, Victor, is a computer engineer and right now he works for a growing company in charge of developing software to handle disaster recovery, which is pretty awesome I feel. This kid has always been very intelligent and great at finding solutions, especially when it comes to electronics, computers, or anything with technology really. He has great attention to detail which most would call "anal" but I have recently exchanged that term with "extreme discipline". Anyways, we have discussions here and there and what's kind of funny is that both of us have found each other bartering services with one another. I am proficient in using a computer and several professional types of graphics and imaging software, etc, but when it comes to the technical stuff, it's like reading hieroglyphics to me. With Victor, he has learned a lot as I have through home fitness programs such as P90X and Insanity, but he has recognized as many do now that I am a fitness professional, and though I am still learning as I always will be, he has come to me for advice and solutions for his situations such as dealing with work and travel scheduling, working around minor injuries, and surgery recovery. The funny thing is that though we both are in totally different professional fields, we are both "programmers" of sorts. He programs software in order to deal with economic problems, and I program fitness and nutrition schedules to help people improve their health. We do the same thing, just use different languages really. I realize this is lighter content in terms of my usual blog, but I wanted to share some insight into my family life today. Have a blessed Sunday everyone, and thanks for reading!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Job vs. Career
It's official. I've just finished my last week of the last "job" I will ever work. I'm not retired, though, but I am starting my career. What's the difference? Well, in my own words, I'd have to say that I've finally found something that I can say "I am". As far as trades go, I've been a bartender, a banker, a graphic designer, a fast-food worker, and a pizza delivery guy. I also taught myself to cut short styles of men's hair in high school and know how to cut my own fade pretty well. I've learned a lot from every single job and from the relationships created from them, as you who are reading this should have learned from your experiences as well. Though I have been quite successful overall as an effective employee and have even won awards and a trip to Maui from my past sales performance, I never felt in any of these jobs the sense of "I am". As I described once to upper management at the bank I worked at, "I feel as though I am trying to be a banker, but I don't feel like I am a banker." Of course, I went on to continue working there and the next year in 2007 I won that Maui trip because I had qualified for "premier club". Add to the fact my wife put in a lot of overtime as a nurse, we got married in Vegas, bought a condo, and enjoyed the greatest financial year to date. However, it's been a rough few years since, and I know I'm not the only one that has faced adversity.
Jim Rone said something like, "In life you'll experience difficulty mixed with opportunity." What I've found and am still learning is that by maintaining a positive mental attitude and becoming obsessed with my own personal development, I have been able to turn my health and my life around. If you would have told me two years ago that I'd be a home fitness coach and a personal trainer in 2010, and would feel ambitious and positive for a great future, I'd probably shrug it off, drink a beer and smoke a cigarette. But that was the old me. I've outgrown those tired old shoes and have strapped on some great-feeling new ones. At the bank, my manager who was an arguably difficult person to work with although a remarkable salesperson, told me at my interview, "You are still finding yourself." I had no idea what he was talking about until recently, and now I lly appreciate it. I have found myself and am poised to build a long career based on helping people improve the qualitiy of their lives. I believe it, and am anxious to get started. I hope you who read my blog have either "found yourselves" or will do so, because the ambition and appreciation for your life will greatly improve when you are passionate and believe in what you do so much that you will live, eat, breathe, and sleep it. Great things will happen, but it starts with you and your positive mental attitude. As Zig Ziglar puts it, "It is your attitude not your amplitude..." Have a great weekend everyone, and thanks for reading!
Jim Rone said something like, "In life you'll experience difficulty mixed with opportunity." What I've found and am still learning is that by maintaining a positive mental attitude and becoming obsessed with my own personal development, I have been able to turn my health and my life around. If you would have told me two years ago that I'd be a home fitness coach and a personal trainer in 2010, and would feel ambitious and positive for a great future, I'd probably shrug it off, drink a beer and smoke a cigarette. But that was the old me. I've outgrown those tired old shoes and have strapped on some great-feeling new ones. At the bank, my manager who was an arguably difficult person to work with although a remarkable salesperson, told me at my interview, "You are still finding yourself." I had no idea what he was talking about until recently, and now I lly appreciate it. I have found myself and am poised to build a long career based on helping people improve the qualitiy of their lives. I believe it, and am anxious to get started. I hope you who read my blog have either "found yourselves" or will do so, because the ambition and appreciation for your life will greatly improve when you are passionate and believe in what you do so much that you will live, eat, breathe, and sleep it. Great things will happen, but it starts with you and your positive mental attitude. As Zig Ziglar puts it, "It is your attitude not your amplitude..." Have a great weekend everyone, and thanks for reading!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Intensive Care
Many of you may or may not know that my wife works as a nurse in the medical intensive care unit at Illinois Masonic Hospital. She has been a nurse for a handful of years now, and I've heard some pretty interesting stories relating to situations, conditions, and the status of people's health in general. Jasmine is committed to helping people which makes her one of the special people cut-out for this industry. Jasmine and I both are really passionate about health and fitness and truly believe that living healthy is of the utmost importance. In the medical ICU in particular, she sees a variety of patients needing round-the-clock specialized attention, and she definitely sees many people who don't need to be there, such as obese individuals in the hospital as a result of being obese and living a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, that isn't an ailment, but it leads to a high percentage of illnesses and medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and others. This morning as we both got ready for the day, we were discussing the Dr. Oz show and what an awesome educational and exciting show it really is. We agreed that there is a wealth of knowledge from Dr. Oz, the audience participant activities, and from the guests on the show. Jasmine told me that she tells her patients, "Watch the Dr. Oz show!" as one of her suggestions. She also shares with these people the importance of making tweaks to their diet and working in fitness to help them get healthy and stay out of the hospital. "I don't know if other nurses do it, but I do it," she said. I am so proud and inspired by my wife. She makes me want to live better and help more people which is a great reason I have become a personal trainer. I tell her now, "You are helping the people get better while they're in the hospital, and I'm trying to keep people out of the hospital!" Kind of funny, but absolutely true. Here's a tip straight from the nurse:
"The most important thing you can do is take your medications, and eat healthier foods. Stay away from fried foods, and when it comes to breads and pastas, 'If it's white it ain't right!'"That last bit is kind of funny, and actually she says she got that from a guest of the Dr. Oz show. A simple but great way to start eating better. Aim for 100% whole grain when choosing breads and pastas, and instead of fried foods, substitute with grilled and baked items. Is this the "cure-all" for your diet? Not hardly. But it is a great first step. Please feel free to comment below and/or contact me with questions or tips of your own. We are all here to help each other! Happy Friday, have a great day and thanks for reading!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
That Extra Hour
Recently I read something regarding the importance of getting 7 hours of sleep. You function better mentally, you are healthier, and your body repairs optimally as well. There are many benefits. This week has been especially hectic for me. I am transitioning to a new career, so besides my normal schedule of waking at 5, working at 8 and finishing in the early afternoon, I have added three days of onboard training from 3-6 at my new place of employment. Those extra hours may not seem much, but with added information to absorb and focusing on learning that entire time plus getting in some sort of workout has been challenging and strenuous. The night before last, after such a shift, I came home, had dinner, then began working some more on research and preparing for yesterday. Well, I finally got to bed a bit before 11pm, and woke at 5. Obviously, I didn't get a full 7 hours in, and in the morning I was generally ok. However, by the afternoon I felt spacey, and though I was excited to be at my new job again, it was a challenge to regurgitate information I had learned, stay focused and absorb new information, and I was generally tired. My organization was erratic. When I arrived, I got my things situated at my locker and got in a quick workout. I showered and when I got my things back in my locker, I ended up locking the keys to the lock inside. Wow. I usually don't use key locks, but I don't want to use that as an excuse. Clearly, my brain function was not 100%, and this situation proved it. Also, even though we got the lock cut which was not a problem, when I was done for the day I realized I left my keys in that locker, which I will retrieve today, but again, it's something that doesn't happen. Take it from me, work to get in that extra hour of sleep and you will be happier, healthier, and most likely be on point in all aspects mentally. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Stretch Your Understanding
Yesterday I learned a bit about stretching clients out for flexibility, relaxation, and excellent service. Let's face it, it's nice to be taken care of! Anyway, some positions were tricky, and I realized myself that I am tighter than I thought. I believe I do plenty of stretching in my own routines, but I realized that by getting assistance in stretching, there was more isolation, deeper stretching, and an overall better stretch. If you haven't been stretched out by someone else, please contact me--I could use the practice anyway! Click on the title to this blog to visit the Equinox site, and if you are in the area, come see me at 900 N Michigan.
I also want to take a moment to discuss an aspect of myself I am learning more about. This personal training thing is still new to me. Yes, I have coached people, being more of an advisor and mentor. Now I will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with clients and design custom programs to help them reach their goals. Awesome. I do realize right now that my level of ambition exceeds my level of skill, but my manager and the rest of the team is very helpful, and I will have to lean on them for support and knowledge. There was a handout (one of many) that had some info on my approach. Also, it contained an assignment that is very relevant, and I'd like to share the three questions of my personal value proposition with my responses here.
Have a great day, and thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: The thoughts and ideas in this post are 100% my own and not necessarily that of Equinox, and should not be thought of as a representation of Equinox, but only of myself.
I also want to take a moment to discuss an aspect of myself I am learning more about. This personal training thing is still new to me. Yes, I have coached people, being more of an advisor and mentor. Now I will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with clients and design custom programs to help them reach their goals. Awesome. I do realize right now that my level of ambition exceeds my level of skill, but my manager and the rest of the team is very helpful, and I will have to lean on them for support and knowledge. There was a handout (one of many) that had some info on my approach. Also, it contained an assignment that is very relevant, and I'd like to share the three questions of my personal value proposition with my responses here.
1. Why Equinox? Equinox is the pinnacle of fitness clubs and training. It's a fitness club that feels like a 5 star resort. We are 110% client-focused and dedicated to taking care of people and getting them results. If you are a personal trainer, Equinox is where you dream of building a long career and can be recognized as part of the elite trainers in the nation. Education is paramount, and Equinox supplies ongoing training and support above and beyond other clubs to be able to provide service that is the best in the nation.
2. Why Personal Training? Personal training is where I find I have evolved to. Personal training will allow me to educate, challenge, and commit to others. I believe personal training is necessary and relevant for everyone, including myself and other trainers, if even to spark new ideas, understanding, and education. Personal training is a growing industry tasked with leading the fight against obesity and poor national health.
3. Why Me? My own results are a product of following a program, and it has inspired me to want to build a career on helping people take control of their health to improve their quality of life. I believe that I can help many people find that they already possess the reasons for living better, healthier lives, and I want the opportunity to bring that out and help them reach their health and life goals. I am here to serve people, and I believe, as Zig Ziglar puts it, "If I help enough people get what they want, I can have everything I want." My passion for living a healthy life has already inspired many, and I am just building a career on sharing that passion with others, which is a liberty I greatly appreciate and value.
Have a great day, and thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: The thoughts and ideas in this post are 100% my own and not necessarily that of Equinox, and should not be thought of as a representation of Equinox, but only of myself.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Why I'm Here
Many people are perplexed as to how I have changed my attitude and outlook on life. I get asked questions like, "How do you do it?" and comments like, "Wow, you are like a totally different person." Both are relevant, but I am here because I know that anything is possible, and I just want to share that feeling of accomplishment with others through health. I truly believe that there is nothing more important than health for quality of life and success in other areas as well. I have such a profound appreciation for nature and the gifts that we can receive from the Earth through fruits, vegetables, and grains and I just really love life.
Mainly, though, I do this for others. I don't feel I motivate people. I'd rather believe that each and every one of us has reasons why we need to live healthier and better lives, and I just want to help uncover that. I want to think that I can help uncover that spirit and life within, and help people become who they want to be: essentially, the best version of themselves. This blog is particularly inspired by a text message I got from a friend and past co-worker. His name is Chris, and I met him about a year ago when he came in to work at Freshii. He was polite and shy at first, but he really opened up, and he ended up becoming one of my favorite people to work with. He really took to my advice and responded to my coaching. He ended up losing a lot of weight, and I enjoyed every time I saw him tightening his belt and shrinking in his large clothes. The transformation he and other people have experienced makes it all worth it for me. Below is the actual text message I got yesterday.
I can't describe in words how rewarding it is for me to receive a message like this. Truly, the changes that Chris went through inside are much more profound than his physical transformation, and I know he will continue to grow and see great success, and I'm not goin' anywhere! Thanks, Chris, and good luck in another leg of your journey that is life. Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!
Mainly, though, I do this for others. I don't feel I motivate people. I'd rather believe that each and every one of us has reasons why we need to live healthier and better lives, and I just want to help uncover that. I want to think that I can help uncover that spirit and life within, and help people become who they want to be: essentially, the best version of themselves. This blog is particularly inspired by a text message I got from a friend and past co-worker. His name is Chris, and I met him about a year ago when he came in to work at Freshii. He was polite and shy at first, but he really opened up, and he ended up becoming one of my favorite people to work with. He really took to my advice and responded to my coaching. He ended up losing a lot of weight, and I enjoyed every time I saw him tightening his belt and shrinking in his large clothes. The transformation he and other people have experienced makes it all worth it for me. Below is the actual text message I got yesterday.
"Finna take a Big Step in life man, I'm enlisting into the Army...I have been thinkin long and hard about this decision...I just want to thank you 4 all u have done for me over the past year man...u helped me lose weight the healthy way, gave me advice on life, taught me how2 keep striving...U have done so much...Decide Commit Succeed! I wanna thank u Mike, u r an inspiration...idk if people tell you that a lot, but its always a good thing 2 remind you. Much Luv Mike*"
I can't describe in words how rewarding it is for me to receive a message like this. Truly, the changes that Chris went through inside are much more profound than his physical transformation, and I know he will continue to grow and see great success, and I'm not goin' anywhere! Thanks, Chris, and good luck in another leg of your journey that is life. Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's a busy week for me. I am finishing up my last week at the restaurant while transitioning into my career as a personal trainer. This means I will be on my normal 8-3 schedule while also learning from my manager and mentor on how to build my training business. Oh yeah--I gotta get in my workouts too! I am planning for a newer regular weekly schedule. Inside the week, though, my schedule will vary so I must plan accordingly to ensure I get my workouts and proper meals in. I can't wait to get through this week. That said, I will actually miss working at the Corner Bakery. I had great management and leadership, and a team of great people to work with. I will be seeing them from the other side of the counter, but it's all for the best. I am excited to have the opportunity to build a career helping people improve the quality of their lives. My journey will take some exciting turns, and I am ready for the challenges ahead!
Are you in a transitional period of your life? Just remember to do your best to get the most important things done, don't stress yourself out, and learn from every experience. Please post comments about any recent or past experiences you've had. Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!
Don't forget--Power Call tonight @ 6:30pm central time. Here's the info:
Dial-in Number: 1-712-432-3100
Conference Code: 314779
Are you in a transitional period of your life? Just remember to do your best to get the most important things done, don't stress yourself out, and learn from every experience. Please post comments about any recent or past experiences you've had. Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!
Don't forget--Power Call tonight @ 6:30pm central time. Here's the info:
Dial-in Number: 1-712-432-3100
Conference Code: 314779
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Catching Up
Last night we went to the Sox vs. Royals game, and it was a great time. The "Good Guys" won, but the game itself was not that exciting, but our group of friends had a good time hanging out at the park. I'll tell you I am blessed to know the people I do. In particular, I got a chance to catch up with my friend Brian who I haven't seen in a very long time although we have caught up a bit on facebook. Brian and I used to be best buds in high school, but we kind of drifted apart as friends, then after high school (like many people) we pretty much lost touch. It was great to see him, and he looks great! His wife came along, and it was great to re-meet her (we went to the same high school as well), and I also got to hang out with my good buds john (also whom I've known since high school) and Drew who's been a friend since college. It rained a bit at the game which forced us back closer to the wall in the nosebleeds, but it certainly didn't put a damper on the game. It was the fellowship for me which brought the value to my tickets and overpriced brew.
Health Notes from Game Day
I am not ashamed to say I had a few beers at the game and indulged in a few not-so-healthy snacks. Listen, people, it's not about being perfect all the time. That said, I am not downplaying the importance of being disciplined in your diet and routine. The way I look at it, if you remain disciplined for 6 out of 7 days of the week with your fitness and nutrition/diet, you can plan an evening to not worry so much and be social. You will find a few things out. One thing you will realize is that you definitely cannot perform to the best of your ability by eating a regular diet of high-fat, high-sodium, highly processed foods nor will you have the desire to do so. At least that's my realization. The problem is that most people don't share this thinking because they are used to eating unnatural, unhealthy foods often and in excess, and it becomes an addiction. Think of it like holiday eating. On the holidays most of us plan to eat and drink socially, and we for the most part don't worry too much. The problem is that this mentality carries over. In my past life, I had been so used to just eating without regard to nutrition that it seemed every day was no different from the "holiday" mentality. If this sounds like you, the issue is that you have not identified a goal (or don't have one) for your present or future health, and lack a plan or program to get there. That's where personal training and coaching come into play, and I'm here to help. Please contact me for assistance, and I'll be more than happy to consult you. If you have a group of friends that want to join you in getting healthy, please contact me. I will be more than happy to do a home workshop for all of you, and I have some exciting options and a spectrum of solutions to accommodate everyone. Keep up the hard work, everyone, and enjoy the rest of your weekend! Thanks for reading!
Health Notes from Game Day
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Class In Session
This morning I had the opportunity to attend the Tabata class at Equinox. It was awesome!! 8 intense 20-second intervals followed by a 10 second rest made up one set. We added resistance using medicine balls and bands, and after 45 fierce minutes, i felt great! The key to any great class, of course, is the teacher. Jenn Hogg is the instructor for this one, and she rocked it!
Interval training is essential for endurance and also it's a great time! Contact me for more info on tabata or personal training. Im headed for The Cell! Go Sox! Have a great night everyone and thanks for reading!
Interval training is essential for endurance and also it's a great time! Contact me for more info on tabata or personal training. Im headed for The Cell! Go Sox! Have a great night everyone and thanks for reading!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Crazy Joe
Yesterday around 3 I got off work and was going to head to the gym to try out a customized Insanity-style circuit I had designed. I realized I hadn't packed a protein bar or significant snack for the afternoon, and I wanted a little something at least. "I'll make myself a soy latte" was my thought. I felt I could afford a bit of a boost while getting in some good protein cals from the soy milk. So I enjoyed it, and tossed out the empty cup when I got off the train. I headed into the gym, got ready, and had one scoop of my pre-workout supplement to get amped up. I found the main studio was pretty much empty, so I went in there, found a spot, and started my warmup. I noticed I was energetic but that my heart rate was quite a few beats up from what it normally was. This held true during my interval circuit as well, and it posed some issues for me. I wanted to do four moves at 45 seconds each, but ended up bringing this down to 30. Also, I would normally take a 30 second break which is usually plenty of time for my heart rate to recover back down, then I would start the next set. It's important in interval training to recover so that your body has to work again to get it back up, and also so you can get through the routine! Anyway, I found I had to take around 60 seconds for this to happen, which is crazy. Overall, the workout was very intense, but I have identified that skipping the latte would have been better, and next time I will opt for an alternate snack without caffeine!
Some advice for you coffee lovers: Drink your coffee early in the day, and plan to not consume excess caffeine before your workout. My pre-workout supplement does contain caffeine, but I believe that by using this in conjunction with the coffee, I overloaded my system, which was not necessary and potentially unsafe. So just be mindful and careful, ok? Caffeine is good for an energy boost and it does help you to burn more fat, but too much of anything is "crazy, Joe!" The main thing is not to compromise your fitness! It would be easy to say, "well, I guess I can't workout now because...(insert excuse)." Don't do've been warned! lol! Anyways, thanks for reading, everyone! Happy Friday!
Some advice for you coffee lovers: Drink your coffee early in the day, and plan to not consume excess caffeine before your workout. My pre-workout supplement does contain caffeine, but I believe that by using this in conjunction with the coffee, I overloaded my system, which was not necessary and potentially unsafe. So just be mindful and careful, ok? Caffeine is good for an energy boost and it does help you to burn more fat, but too much of anything is "crazy, Joe!" The main thing is not to compromise your fitness! It would be easy to say, "well, I guess I can't workout now because...(insert excuse)." Don't do've been warned! lol! Anyways, thanks for reading, everyone! Happy Friday!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
It's Worth It!
Yesterday I met with my manager at the new gym I will be training at, and we went through the process of consulting a new client. I was tasked with the activity to come up with 10 key questions to help me learn more about my clients, and also to understand their goals and to help me design an appropriate program. I was excited to do this activity, and last night I came up with some that I usually ask, and a few extras. I believe that how you see yourself is a huge key to your success, as Zig Ziglar has also helped me realize. Here's an activity that I may include and that I wanted to share with you all today:
(Close your eyes once you have read and understand this activity, and repeat daily when you wake up, go to sleep, and whenever you are finding you need extra motivation.) Think of your goal. Envision yourself reaching your goal. You've put in the hard work, and it's paid off. You have reached a milestone in your life, and people are noticing that you've become healthier and more fit. In fact, other areas of your life such as your job/career, friendships and relationships have grown stronger, and you've become the individual you've always wanted to be. Now, keep that picture in your mind, keep your eyes closed, and think deeply about this. Also, think of the people you may inspire as a result. Think of how you feel as this new person and what it means in your life. Don't you owe it to yourself to do what it takes to make this vision a reality?
YES YOU DO!! It's not easy, people, but my job is to help you by making it simpler and offering my support. If you can follow directions, you can succeed. I want to help you, and if you are ready, please contact me and we can get started. Click on the title to this blog to visit my official coach page and contact me via phone or the contact link on that page. If you took part in that activity, you should be invigorated and excited. Join my team today! Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!
(Close your eyes once you have read and understand this activity, and repeat daily when you wake up, go to sleep, and whenever you are finding you need extra motivation.) Think of your goal. Envision yourself reaching your goal. You've put in the hard work, and it's paid off. You have reached a milestone in your life, and people are noticing that you've become healthier and more fit. In fact, other areas of your life such as your job/career, friendships and relationships have grown stronger, and you've become the individual you've always wanted to be. Now, keep that picture in your mind, keep your eyes closed, and think deeply about this. Also, think of the people you may inspire as a result. Think of how you feel as this new person and what it means in your life. Don't you owe it to yourself to do what it takes to make this vision a reality?
YES YOU DO!! It's not easy, people, but my job is to help you by making it simpler and offering my support. If you can follow directions, you can succeed. I want to help you, and if you are ready, please contact me and we can get started. Click on the title to this blog to visit my official coach page and contact me via phone or the contact link on that page. If you took part in that activity, you should be invigorated and excited. Join my team today! Have a great day, everyone, and thanks for reading!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Lights Out
Sleep. We know we need it, and sometimes it's hard to come by, right? I don't typically have an issue here, but sometimes Jasmine and I are on different schedules, and I will admit that having the T.V. on and a light or two all night can break up my sleep more than a quick bathroom break. I decided to try a sleep mask. I ordered one the other night on the Amazon I-phone application when I experienced insomnia, and I tried it out last night. Worked wonders. Jasmine was watching T.V. but I managed to fall asleep within minutes of having the mask on. I was actually into the show, too, but there's something about total darkness that must have an effect. I did wake up once for a bathroom break, but I was able to get right back to sleep, and although I missed my morning run at 4:30, I got up a little after 5 feeling great. I plan to continue wearing the mask, and I'm sure I will almost be able to schedule my accurate sleep and wake time.
Sleep, a form of recovery in my mind, is essential to your daily functions, and I would recommend at least 6.5 hours at a minimum and as much as 7.5-8 if you feel you function better. Schedule your lights out time, and use a mask if you need to. Dr. Oz recently had a show featuring a Doctor who gave tips and recommendations for getting to sleep. Click on the picture below for some info straight from the Dr. Oz website. Hope it helps! Thanks for reading everyone!

Sleep, a form of recovery in my mind, is essential to your daily functions, and I would recommend at least 6.5 hours at a minimum and as much as 7.5-8 if you feel you function better. Schedule your lights out time, and use a mask if you need to. Dr. Oz recently had a show featuring a Doctor who gave tips and recommendations for getting to sleep. Click on the picture below for some info straight from the Dr. Oz website. Hope it helps! Thanks for reading everyone!
At some point, we've all experienced at least a few nights of too little, or restless sleep. Many of us are familiar with the consequences of one or...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Family Day
Took a day today to first be there for my mother-in-law who had a minor, but necessary surgery. This morning she had 3 bumps (which we still aren't sure what exactly they were) removed from the top of her head. Surprisingly, when we entered her room after the surgery was over, she was alert and lively, and you couldn't even tell she had anything done. What a blessing. Jasmine and I came home, had some lunch, then headed out to Bolingbrook once Jasmine's mom was settled. Some of my nephews were visiting from Houston this week, and it was great to meet and spend some time with them. They are two boys, 10 and 12, which really reminded me of my brother and I, and they were some great looking kids. (They're family, though, so no surprise, right? lol) It's always great to see my parents, and I am glad to have been able to spend time with all of my family today.In the midst of playing the dancing wallet game and struggling in some areas of my life, I feel so blessed to have my parents and family happy and healthy. I often think, "I must be the happiest broke guy around!" In all seriousness, folks, cherish your family and the important people in your life, because without them, the struggle and rewards that result from overcoming the struggle are surely not worth anything. Have a great night, and thanks for reading!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Holiday Recovery
What a weekend. I hope you all took advantage of some lovely summer weather; I know Jasmine and I sure did. We got out to the dog beach on Saturday for a couple hours, then yesterday we went to the park early and chilled out with friends at Foster Beach in the afternoon. Well, we weren't really on the beach, but we were at a park on the other side of Lake Shore. The beach was absolutely packed! I'm sure there were people there since the morning and quite possibly some since the night before. There was definitely no kind of parking, and I was real happy we decided to take the bus. All in all, we got our share of sun, and we may have gotten more of our share of brew and drinks. I guess we got into "party mode" and did a bit of celebrating on a couple days. So much so that Jasmine came back from a bathroom break with a couple of abrasions. I'm glad she wasn't seriously hurt, but this morning she realized that those were evidence that we got a bit carried away. She created a mandatory punishment for herself:
This will serve as a lesson learned, and I am also going to abstain from drinking until her scars are healed too. I don't mind, and actually, I enjoy taking on challenges with others. It offers them additional support, and I am able to challenge myself with a criteria that I haven't set, which takes any cheating I might be prone to do out of the equation. Try it out. If someone you know is struggling with a goal or states they are trying something new such as a diet, training for a competition, or simply a period of abstinence from drinking or other guilty pleasure, take on the challenge with them! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
"I won't drink again until these scars are healed."
This will serve as a lesson learned, and I am also going to abstain from drinking until her scars are healed too. I don't mind, and actually, I enjoy taking on challenges with others. It offers them additional support, and I am able to challenge myself with a criteria that I haven't set, which takes any cheating I might be prone to do out of the equation. Try it out. If someone you know is struggling with a goal or states they are trying something new such as a diet, training for a competition, or simply a period of abstinence from drinking or other guilty pleasure, take on the challenge with them! Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Day of Opportunity...Happy Fourth!
Good day yesterday. Spent some time with my wife and doggie at the dog beach, then came home, had a few MGD 64's and grilled up some veg burgers and kicked it on the deck. Beautiful weather, and today will be nice and hot too. The fourth of July reminds me of what I think of whenever the National Anthem is played at games and events: how I am here, and what a blessing it is that we are able to do the things we want to when we want to. I am reminded of how my mom overcame obstacles in her home country of Pakistan to get here so that she could start a life free of persecution and full of opportunity. The opportunity that she took to marry a crazy Wisconsin native named Denis Nickles and by doing so joining a crazy German family. The result of such a marriage is a life full of experiences and opportunities including raising two wild sons into responsible men. Sure there were a lot of difficulties, but the difference in America is that along with the difficulties we are offered unlimited opportunities. It is we who are citizens that have the choice to take advantage of these opportunities. So I'll make this brief and end here because there's a lot of celebrating and opportunities for this day to take advantage of. God Bless America! Happy Fourth everyone, and thanks for reading!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Have Faith
Every day we face new challenges, and also it seems month-to-month we find ourselves in different financial situations. It's been hard for my family to keep up at times with bills and so on, but I know that soon we will be headed back up the hill. I know that if I keep my focus on staying healthy and helping others get healthy, I will reach my financial goals as well as my fitness goals. Even so, at times it is hard not to get stressed out, and surely many of you share this feeling. I will tell you like I tell myself, "have faith". There was a verse that I was reminded of that I can't remember exactly, but in doing some searching found a different but relevant one I'd like to share.
"For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised." -Hebrews 10:36Wow. I actually looked up "need" on and this use of the word is not the same as the verse I had in mind. Nonetheless, it seems to apply to my situation, and I'm sure it will apply in many of yours. Also, apply this principle in smaller situations for your goals, and it is simple to understand, but so true. Perseverance and patience is required for us to do the work needed to achieve the results we want. Zig Ziglar says it this way, "We must be before we can do, and we must do before we can have." In relation to health and fitness, admittedly it is hard to keep going when you are not seeing immediate results. But you need to keep doing the right things not only to get the visible results, but also to establish and maintain proper health and wellness. And when you are focused on that, you will be able to do what is necessary to have the healthy life you deserve and desire. Think about it. What are some other areas that you can apply this principle? Please share your thoughts. Otherwise, have faith, and keep up the good work! Thanks for reading everyone!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Comfy While Wet
I was given the day off today since I work at a loop location restaurant and it would surely be slow. It was cool with me since I always have plenty to do outside of work. I dropped Jasmine off at work and headed for the gym. I decided to get in some much needed swim practice, and sure enough, the place was dead. Perfect! I started with some basic drills with fins, and also this time I had my goggles, earplugs, and nose clip, so I must have looked funny, but all in all it worked out better for me. The drill that I found helped me the most was a simple breathing drill. I grabbed onto the edge of the pool with my arms outstretched while still standing up, and I just practiced exhaling into the water while looking at the bottom of the pool and my head in neutral spine position, and rotated my upper body to bring my mouth out to take a breath. I did it for a while, and found a comfortable cadence and also got used to the feeling of pushing air out underwater. I worked to relax, and this helped me when I started doing the actual swimming because I was able to relax, slow down, and move through the water smoothly. Hey--swimming is fun when you're not panicking! Lol!
All in all, I made much more progress today from the last time, but I must keep practicing to improve, and if any of you are struggling with swimming, just work to get comfortable first and go from there. You may want to pick up swim classes at a gym or with a team, especially if training. I am "my own coach" for now and I have been using some great instructional books for technique. If you want to learn more about those, please contact me. Last thing is this--if you are training to swim in open water, you've got to get to the beach! My neighbor and friend Jeannine has been reminding me of this, and I plan to get out there's summer so we should be fighting to get there anyway, right?! Have some fun in the sun this summer, folks, and have a great weekend! Thanks for reading!
All in all, I made much more progress today from the last time, but I must keep practicing to improve, and if any of you are struggling with swimming, just work to get comfortable first and go from there. You may want to pick up swim classes at a gym or with a team, especially if training. I am "my own coach" for now and I have been using some great instructional books for technique. If you want to learn more about those, please contact me. Last thing is this--if you are training to swim in open water, you've got to get to the beach! My neighbor and friend Jeannine has been reminding me of this, and I plan to get out there's summer so we should be fighting to get there anyway, right?! Have some fun in the sun this summer, folks, and have a great weekend! Thanks for reading!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Influence and Support
Yesterday was a great day overall. I had my second interview, and it went well. I found myself using a couple quotes from Zig Ziglar, which I want to share because they will surely be some that will help you.
I also was asked the question, "Who are two people that helped influence you in this (fitness) industry?" Although my wife is my partner, my biggest supporter, and my best friend, and there are also so many other people I could have easily named, I answered with my mom and Tony Horton. My mom has seen great improvements in her health because of what I have been able to do, and the guidance I have been able to give her. Add to the fact she is a cancer survivor among overcoming so many other physical, emotional, and life obstacles. She is the most successful survivor I know, and it motivates me to witness her outlook and passion for life. And I couldn't have done any of this without working out with Tony Horton every day for a long time. P90X is the program that changed my life, and ultimately what has helped me get this far. If you told me two years ago that come July 2010 I would be a personal trainer at a premier U.S. fitness club, I would have choked on the wings I was eating at the time! That said, I also realize that these programs are like taking classes, and personal training is also important for the proper one-on-one personal instruction to maintain safety, appropriateness, and extra support. Please contact me if you are thinking of working with a trainer, want more info on P90X or other Beachbody products, both, and for support! Thank all of you once again for your support and motivation, and thanks for reading!
"It is not your aptitude but your attitude that determines your outcome."
"Your input determines (your outlook, and your outlook determines) your output."
I also was asked the question, "Who are two people that helped influence you in this (fitness) industry?" Although my wife is my partner, my biggest supporter, and my best friend, and there are also so many other people I could have easily named, I answered with my mom and Tony Horton. My mom has seen great improvements in her health because of what I have been able to do, and the guidance I have been able to give her. Add to the fact she is a cancer survivor among overcoming so many other physical, emotional, and life obstacles. She is the most successful survivor I know, and it motivates me to witness her outlook and passion for life. And I couldn't have done any of this without working out with Tony Horton every day for a long time. P90X is the program that changed my life, and ultimately what has helped me get this far. If you told me two years ago that come July 2010 I would be a personal trainer at a premier U.S. fitness club, I would have choked on the wings I was eating at the time! That said, I also realize that these programs are like taking classes, and personal training is also important for the proper one-on-one personal instruction to maintain safety, appropriateness, and extra support. Please contact me if you are thinking of working with a trainer, want more info on P90X or other Beachbody products, both, and for support! Thank all of you once again for your support and motivation, and thanks for reading!
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